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Electricity and health: how to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation in everyday life


how to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation in everyday lifeThere is still a scientific debate about how our brain works, but researchers have already come to the conclusion that complex electrochemical processes between cells - neurons - are taking place inside us. For the exchange of information using short electrical pulses. They control all the muscles.

In this case, the person is constantly exposed Earth's natural magnetic field and electromagnetic waves. He has developed protective reactions in his body to such an effect, but they ... are not unlimited.

Risks and Hazards of Exposure

Over the past two centuries, people have begun to intensively use electricity and the benefits of civilization, not really worrying about their health. But in vain. The effect of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on the body is constantly increasing, various diseases appear:

  • nervous depression;

  • weakened immunity;

  • problems with the reproductive system;

  • causeless fear;

  • crayfish.

Children are especially exposed to electromagnetic radiation: their fragile body is only formed for independent life, it must be protected in every way. And some adults from a young age attach a child to a mobile phone or other electronic devices.

To take this effect into account, the terms “Magnetic and electric field strength” are introduced. Consider them.

Magnetic field strength

Fig. 1. Magnetic field strength (click on the picture to enlarge)

An electromagnetic field exists as a unique form of matter in which constant transformations of electrical and magnetic energies take place.

The stronger the power of electromagnetic sources, the greater the impact our body is exposed to. Sanitary standards determine that a voltage above 5 kV per meter is already hazardous to health. Such a space is observed under high-voltage equipment with overhead power transmission lines.

You can’t stay under them for long; housing is prohibited near them. Under such lines, the land is empty, and some agricultural enterprises are allowed to grow plants on it. But at the same time only mechanized processing is allowed without the use of labor of youth under 18 years of age.

However, in some areas under the power lines in the summer, local residents pick raspberries, lingonberries and other berries for several hours, even gardeners of summer residents are found.

Overhead Power Lines

Fig. 2.

People are exposed to electromagnetic effects while on the subway, traveling on commuter trains, trams, and trolleybuses. It is dangerous to be near broadcast television antennas, radio towers, masts of mobile operators.

Health Tips

Many do not even suspect how harmful the inept use of household appliances is. The level of safe field strength is known: only 0.2 μT.

Levels of electromagnetic radiation from surrounding devices and vehicles

Fig. 3. Levels of electromagnetic radiation from surrounding devices and vehicles (click on the picture to enlarge)

The table below shows the average radiation levels from the surrounding devices and vehicles. They must be skillfully guided and understood that reducing contact time with hazardous factors reduces their effect on the body.

For example, not reaching one stop by tram, but walking this distance on foot after office work will benefit not only as a walk in the fresh air, but also reduce the impact of electromagnetic radiation.

When working with household appliances, you should increase the distance to it. Distance significantly reduces the risk of radiation. The diagram below shows how, under normal conditions, the tension decreases with distance from 3 to 30 cm.

Emission range of the electromagnetic field of household appliances

Fig. 4.Emission range of the electromagnetic field of household appliances (click on the picture to enlarge)

Attention! Protection by distance and reduced time spent in a dangerous place are two main ways available to everyone.

In industry, they are supplemented by methods of shielding equipment and rooms with people by way of removing accumulated potentials to ground loops.

mobile connection

A professor of medicine from Japan, studying the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans, was asked the question "Where is it safer to carry a cell phone in the body?" He replied: “keep it by the organ that you least need. If you have a strong heart, then wear a shirt or a jacket in the left breast pocket and heart problems will begin. You can also carry the phone on a trouser belt near the kidneys or liver - they will also function worse. ”

He was asked another question: are you talking on a cell phone? The professor replied: “Of course, like everyone else, but I carry the phone in my bag, not in my pockets. When driving, I use a special mount with a headset. ”

The Institute of Human Ecology recommends:

  • refuse games on the phone;

  • if necessary, the conversation is secluded from others so that they do not receive additional exposure;

  • use a headset and do not hold the phone near your head or increase the distance or turn on the speakerphone;

  • during a call, do not hold the mobile phone to your ear until the start of communication;

  • turn off the device at night, and do not keep it at the head of the head.

Recommendations of the Institute of Human Ecology

Fig. 5. Recommendations of the Institute of Human Ecology (click on the picture to enlarge)

Electrical wiring and appliances

Some people believe that the outlet is safe when nothing is plugged into it. This is an erroneous opinion. The live wires of the apartment (even without load!) Are sources of radiation. Not de-energized, but hibernated TV, computer, microwave and other devices consume electricity, emitting electromagnetic radiation. Always turn off the power completely.

Reducing the electromagnetic effect from household appliances helps not only to increase the distance, but also the shielding of the housings performed by factories. A significant part of the signal from them is diverted through the contact of the PE conductor to the ground loop.

The work of grounding contacts of household electrical appliances

Fig. 6.

However, individual hosts use adapters that exclude such a connection, which can somehow be explained only by the absence of a PE conductor.

Laptops and computers

They work in every family. But not all users follow basic rules:

  • place the system unit at a distance, preferably under the table;

  • do not keep the laptop on your lap;

  • periodically take breaks to relax.

Final tips

Limit the number of working electrical appliances in the office and at home. In this way, electricity costs are saved, electromagnetic smog is reduced. No need to be afraid of electrical appliances: they make life easier. You just need to be careful, take care of yourself and your health, and when reducing electromagnetic radiation, do not forget to unload the body: move more time in the fresh air, engage in physical education, lead a healthy, active lifestyle.

See also at

  • How does electromagnetic radiation of electrical appliances affect a person?
  • What is a Faraday cage?
  • Do not build under power lines!
  • How does the electromagnetic field smell
  • The nature of magnetism (Kaganov M.I., Tsukernik V.M.)


    # 1 wrote: Vadim | [quote]


    In Tesla (and microtesla, respectively), the magnetic field induction is measured, and in this article EVERYTHING is measured in microtesla !!!


    # 2 wrote: Michael | [quote]


    In the US, there is a construction company that builds green houses exclusively with DC networks. This is in order to significantly reduce electromagnetic radiation and make the house more favorable for living.At the entrance to the house there is a step-down transformer and a powerful rectifier and electricity in the house is distributed at a constant voltage of 24 and 12 V. Thanks to this, all electrical appliances without power supplies can be used. Moreover, electrical safety is significantly increased.

    With mobile phones is also not so simple. Perhaps in about ten years we will all be experimental rabbits, and dissertations on the effect of electromagnetic radiation from telephones on the human body in time will be defended on us. These processes have not yet been thoroughly investigated due to the short time of use of mobile phones. It takes about ten years to collect normal medical statistics. It is only a pity that we will be already with broken health by that time, and such knowledge will not be able to help us. So, God saves the safe! And given the fact that there are more and more electromagnetic radiation in everyday life due to modern technology, we need to think and somehow try to minimize these effects.


    # 3 wrote: Vitaly Zhukov | [quote]


    People are very interested in whether electromagnetic radiation is harmful. Even WHO (World Health Organization) data only reports on the health hazards of penetrating radiation. Electromagnetic radiation has not been studied enough to say exactly how harmful this radiation is to humans. And how much is harmful to people, how much can be used. Like, for example, radiation. She is always and everywhere. Studied how much it is not harmful to humans.

    Electromagnetic radiation is always different in both amplitude and power. Even with different mobile operators. In addition, the radiation intensity is different for different operators. And in Europe they counted on a large number of small towers. Therefore, the radiation standards of cell towers in Europe and America are hundreds of times lower than in Russia. In Russia, no one set any standards and did not conduct research.

    Doctors know that radiation is harmful: microwave ovens can, in principle, work open, but there was a case that a cook using a microwave with an open door quickly died. People on warships, where there are radars and large space-scanning emitting antennas, also get sick. And the level of safe radiation for children, for example, is much less than for adults. And it affects different people in different ways.

    The harmfulness of cell phones is even indicated by the fact that even a switched off phone in the nest of a hen-hen leads to the fact that not one of the chicks hatch from the eggs! And pregnant women in the hospital only call and call! And then they wonder where the children got the disease! There is also the fact that a person eventually gets used to the TV screen, computer, radiation of the phone. And they do not affect them. And of great importance is the fact whether a person is afraid of radiation or not. People simply by their thoughts can send themselves any illness.

    There was such a case: they distributed a field for plots. They built houses, they live. And then it turned out that experiments on radiation had been conducted on that field before! And the residual can eat. The only person who found out about this, who lived there, and before that was healthy, was so upset that he came home, lay down and died! This is the power of human suggestion. One scientist decided to prove that one can live in infected Chernobyl. And he lives and lives there! With some people left there. And completely healthy!

    Of course, it’s better not to install cell towers on residential buildings. But they stand in Europe! But there is less radiation. They will save money on our towers, and turn on the radiation power for sure reception such that hamsters and fish die in aquariums! And try, prove from what, if it’s not even known, this radiation is harmful or not. And no norms have been set.


    # 4 wrote: | [quote]


    Does anyone know how far the electric field extends from the outlet to which no electrical appliances are connected?


    # 5 wrote: | [quote]


    About 50 cm.


    # 6 wrote: Vladimir | [quote]


    Hello! Please help with advice. What is the safe distance from a domestic power amplifier (900 watts) for speakers and a step-down (220/110) transformer to it with a power of 500 watts? I suppose to place it on the desktop, next to the monitor, and use it 8 hours a day. Thanks!