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Secrets and mysteries of Nikola Tesla


The outstanding electrical engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) is widely known for numerous technical inventions.

In his honor, the unit of measurement of magnetic induction in the international system of units SI, an American company for the production of electric vehicles, streets in several cities of Croatia. Monuments were erected in his honor in the USA, Canada, Croatia, Serbia, Czech Republic, etc.

Nikola Tesla's designs are widely used in the 21st century: these are electric generators, electric motors, radio-controlled robotics, wireless power transmission and much more. The inventions of the great engineer were far ahead of their time.

Monument to Nicola Tesla in Niagara Falls (Canada):

Monument to Nicola Tesla in Niagara Falls (Canada)

Tesla was appropriated by the clairvoyant's abilities; he possessed a pronounced gift of foreboding. The inventor claimed that he could completely disconnect his brain from the outside world. And in this state, “outbursts of enthusiasm”, “inner vision” and “bouts of hypersensitivity.” Descended upon him. At that moment, the scientist believed, his mind penetrated into the mysterious subtle world.

Once friends from Philadelphia, who were visiting him, were going to return home by train. But Tesla felt a strange desire to detain them in any way. The train on which they were supposed to return was wrecked.

Another time he had a dream that his sister was mortally ill and died. And this turned out to be true, although he did not receive any information about her illness. And when the financial beneficiary of Tesla J.P. Morgan bought a ticket for the first flight of the Titanic, the inventor categorically insisted that he refuse the trip. Morgan believed Tesla and refused a prestigious flight.

Nikola Tesla

Tesla was a really amazing person, a phenomenally successful engineer, inventor and scientist, who also did without abstracts and drawings. He had them, but in his head. And on the basis of all his purely mental calculations and constructions, he conducted his many experiments, studies and experiments.

Tesla did not abandon his physical theory, but with the help of countless experiments he created the basis for a new, resonant understanding of electromagnetism. He believed that the world is a single continuous electromagnetic environment, and matter is one of the manifestations of organized electromagnetic waves, described by a mathematical algorithm.

He believed that the law of resonance is the most general natural law eliminating time and distance, and that all connections between phenomena are established exclusively by various kinds of simple and complex resonances - the coordinated vibrations of physical systems, whose basis is primarily electromagnetic.

Finally, instead of Newton’s integrals, Leibniz differentials and Maxwell’s field theory, Tesla used the simple mathematics of ancient Greek mechanics in his calculations, Archimedes primarily establishing an analogy between mechanics and electromagnetism.

It is not yet possible to fully appreciate the value of such a way of thinking that clearly indicates the need for a more complete physical interpretation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Inventions of Nikola Tesla

Since 1889, Tesla began research on high frequency and high voltage currents. Invented the first samples of high-frequency electromechanical generators (including inductor type) and high-frequency transformer (Tesla transformer, 1891), thereby creating the prerequisites for the development of a new branch of electrical engineering - high-frequency technology.

In the study of high-frequency currents, Tesla paid attention to safety issues. Experimenting on his body, he studied the influence of alternating currents of various frequencies and strengths on the human body.Many of the rules first developed by Tesla were included in the modern basics of safety when working with RF currents.

He found that at a current frequency of over 700 periods per second, painful effects on nerve endings ceased to be perceived. Electrical devices developed by Tesla for medical research are widespread in the world.

Experiments with high-frequency high-voltage currents (up to 2 million volts) led the inventor to the discovery of a method for cleaning contaminated surfaces. A similar effect of currents on the skin showed that it is thus possible to remove a small rash, cleanse pores and kill germs. This method is used in modern electrotherapy.

Tesla predicted the possibility of the physiological effect of high-frequency currents on living organisms with the aim of treatment, the appearance of electric furnaces, fluorescent lamps and an electron microscope.


Tesla was able to reproduce in laboratory conditions complex energy structures, which he called "fireballs." They, along with Tesla, were also studied by the Russian academician Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, who could not reproduce them in a controlled form without the participation of a Tesla resonant transformer.

To date, physicists (the Corum brothers in America) have been able to reproduce some of Tesla’s experiments with some success, and they are able to get “fireballs” of very short duration and only three millimeters in diameter when extinguishing a transformer. Tesla produced "ball-shaped lightnings" the size of a soccer ball, held them in his hand, put them in a box, covered it with a lid and removed it from there.

These were completely stable structures that lasted for minutes. Of course, Tesla knew more about the phenomenon than modern science. He knew the mystery of the synthesis of cold plasma in free space.

Tesla Transformer

In 1917, Tesla proposed a device for detecting submarines. He argued: "It is possible to locate a ship or submarine using electromagnetic waves." His idea was not taken seriously. And only in the 1930s the first radars began to be created in the world.

In the years 1896-1904, Tesla designed a number of radio-controlled self-propelled mechanisms, called them "teleautomats".

In 1989, Tesla announced his invention - a teleautomatic boat controlled remotely. When they did not believe him, Tesla proved his statements in practice in front of a crowd gathered in the Madison Square Garden park, where the presentation of Tesla's new invention took place.

He built a model of the ship and showed how you can control it from a distance. In the middle of the pond, obeying Tesla's orders, a small boat sailed. When Tesla jokingly invited the audience to talk with his invention, someone asked: “What will be the cubic root of 64?”. The beacon on the ship blinked four times.

Inventions of Nikola Tesla

Tesla thereby penetrated into an area in which no one penetrated before him - into the engineering of time. He also emphasized that his electromagnetic waves are different from the Hertz waves, that is, the length of the wave transmitted by him is equal to the magnitude of the distance over which it is transmitted, in other words, the distance between the sender and the receiver.

In addition, in Tesla’s experiments, not only the circles of the oscillator, the apparatus involved in the transfer, were in resonance, but the entire system was also in resonance with the natural electromagnetic waves of the corridor through which they passed.

This meant that the oscillator that started the broadcast simply cut off the ether in the space between the sender and the target and created a characteristic field of standing waves there. Thus, in the beginning a wave carrier was formed that could not in itself transfer energy.

Then Tesla turned on the low-frequency field and transmitted waves that represented lower harmonics of the main carrier field, and in a ratio of 1: 4.So he managed to transfer energy to the desired distance and to carry out strong continuous electromagnetic discharges in certain areas, creating a wall of ion plasma. Nothing could break through such an energy wall without breaking up into molecules or atoms.

Kirlian effect

The Kirlian effect, widely known among scientists of our time, was patented only in 1949, although Tesla showed the effect of an amazing glow of the “aura” of objects at the end of the 19th century! It is believed that the Russian researchers of the spouse Kirlian opened a window into the unknown world.

They obtained the first unique pictures of the flickering radiation of living and inanimate objects of nature using "high frequency currents". In this case, studies were conducted of the glow of objects in an electromagnetic field.

But back in 1891-1900, the demonstration experiments of Nikola Tesla clearly showed the possibility of gas-discharge visualization of living organisms. Tesla received photos of the categories of ordinary photography. The camera shot objects and bodies in high-frequency currents.

But the complexity of the equipment used at that time for obtaining electrographic images prevented the widespread use of the method. Interestingly, as a source of high-voltage high-frequency voltage, the Kirlian spouses used a modified Tesla resonance transformer operating in a pulsed mode.

Tesla Energy

In 1915, the New York Times reported on Tesla’s new invention: “The inventor Nikola Tesla applied for a patent for the main components of a machine whose capabilities are amazing.

The invention will be able to move in space at a speed of 300 miles per second, representing an unmanned ship without a propeller or wings, moved by electricity to anywhere in the world with its destructive mission, which will be assigned to it. "

Tesla also claimed to have solved the riddle of teleportation and worked on a generator set to instantly move objects through the air.

There is a suspicion that Tesla created a time machine, or something like that.

Tesla's inventions in the field of electricity, ultrasonic vibrations, transmission of radio signals and energy over distances by decades ahead of the development of technology of that time.

More on the topic:

Resonant method of wireless transmission of electric energy by Nikola Tesla

Wireless power transmission methods

Atmospheric electricity as a new source of alternative energy

See also at

  • Resonant method of wireless transmission of electric energy by Nikola Tesla
  • Wireless power transmission methods
  • Which current is more dangerous, direct or alternating?
  • What is Tesla Transformer
  • Fluorescent lamps - from heyday to sunset


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    Tesla is a great scientist, a mad scientist - he created things that are deadly comparable to the latest military developments in the world. It would seem that electromagnetic waves, like waves, are the same everywhere and only exclusive, but in Tesla: "... his electromagnetic waves are different from the Hertz waves." And much more, from which some scholars are sprayed with saliva toli from envy, toli from rejection.