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Fancy Electric Generators


Fancy Electric GeneratorsThe law of conservation of energy is truly unshakable, and the centuries-old experience of science and technology has taught scientists to rely on it as a basis. A huge number of technical devices, which could be endlessly enumerated, have been created by mankind at the moment based on the fundamental laws of nature and the whole universe. Only a few, out of a great many such devices, can be mentioned as an example.

Bow and arrow, wheel, oar, sail, lever, compass, gunpowder, microscope and telescope, steam engine, telegraph, dynamite, electric generator and an electric motor, incandescent lamp, transformer, battery, atomic bomb, transistor, laser, artificial satellites and spacecraft.

Everywhere, the law of conservation of energy is strictly observed: pulling a bow string, a person does work, while the bow arc stores potential energy, which is then converted into kinetic energy of an arrow flying at high speed; the wheel, paddle and lever lead us to gears and gearboxes, to the transformation of torque, forces and angular velocity, and here again there is a transformation of energy; the rechargeable battery allows you to convert chemical energy into electrical energy, and the generator - mechanical energy into electrical energy, etc.

Everywhere is the conversion of energy. Of course, we can say that mechanical energy is consumed, and electric energy arises, as if created if we are talking about an electric generator, but this is a continuous process of precisely converting energy - its continuous transition from one type to another.


Although violations of the law of conservation of energy were not evident anywhere in nature, many inventors of the past, including the great Leonardo da Vinci, have made many attempts to build such a device that could do work endlessly without consuming any energy resources (the so-called eternal engine of the first kind).

And modern researchers continue to make such attempts. But scientists say that this is impossible simply because then the first law of thermodynamics would be violated, which states: "in any isolated system, the energy supply remains constant." Indeed, imagine a system that is completely isolated from the environment so that neither matter nor energy in any form can either enter or leave it.

Even if you simply try to imagine, existing in reality, such an isolated system, inside which something is happening, energy is being transformed, some processes are going on, but everything is as it was, without changes, then what would be the meaning of this system ? Nothing.

The idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine of the second kind is also inconsistent because of a contradiction to the second law of thermodynamics, which reads: "A circular process is impossible, the only result of which would be the production of work by cooling the heat reservoir."


At one time in the field quest for perpetual motion one European craftsman, Johann Ernst Elias Bessler, known as Orferius, became famous. In 1717, probably wanting to find world fame and money, he showed the public a self-propelled four-meter wooden wheel that continuously rotated on the axis, despite the apparent absence of drive mechanisms from the outside.

For disclosing the secret, the inventor asked for a very large, at that time, amount of money. Many scientists came and became convinced that the wheel was spinning without stopping, and continued to spin even two months after the first demonstration. It was a real sensation; rumors spread throughout Europe.

Even Peter the Great planned a trip to the inventor for 1725. However, even before Peter's trip to Germany, it turned out in the homeland of the inventor with scandal that the wheel was rotated by his servant, along with brother Orferius. The hollow construction of the large wheel still had a hidden transmission, the lace from which went to a specially adapted secret room. After the exposure, the inventor destroyed the wheel with his own hands and left his city.

Let's get back to today. If you type in the search engine on Youtube "free energy" or "free energy", then the abundance in the modern world of implementations of the so-called free energy devices. As a rule, these are autonomous structures that perform electrical work in the form of power for incandescent lamps or electric motors.

Beginning in about 2011, videos regularly appear on the Internet, on which a certain electric or electromechanical converter is connected for a few seconds to a battery, battery or 220 volt network, after which the power is turned off, and the device transfers power to the load and literally “feeds itself yourself. "

There are also completely unthinkable options for permanent magnets, reporting continuous rotation of the rotor of the generator with the connected load in the form of lamps. This seems unbelievable, because it seems that either the device generates energy in an unknown way, violating all known physical laws, or the author of the video deliberately misleads the public, thus trying to have fun or fraudulently generate income.

But involuntarily the question arises of the appropriateness of such actions, because you won’t earn much on commercials, and public demonstrations of fakes will sooner or later be exposed. Who needs to do these dubious tricks and why?

Unusual generator

Often, inventors argue that the energy that their devices convert is the energy from the environment — that energy that, under certain conditions, can be collected and converted to at least a constant, at least an alternating current of the desired voltage.

Great importance is given to the phenomenon of electrical resonance, the quality of grounding, and the use of high voltage, due to which, according to the inventors, the conditions are created for the energy to enter their devices.

The name of the famous scientist is also constantly appearing. Nikola Tesla. Indeed, electrical resonance in an electric converter is a condition when the converter operates with the greatest efficiency, that is what Tesla himself said and wrote about his converters.

In addition, one of the researchers in this new direction, at one of the first who made a lot of noise, demonstrations, argued that it was by developing Tesla's schemes that he managed to get this incredible effect. He was able to transform energy from the environment into a usable form. This brilliant inventor from Georgia inspired his successful example of many experimenters around the world to do independent research.

Generator Demonstration
generator from Georgia

Another Tesla follower developing his ideas regarding the generation, conversion, and transmission of electrical energy was (most recently died at the age of 90) an American researcher Donald Lee Smith, who, for many years as an employee of the oil industry, studied all available theoretical data on the energy, electric and magnetic fields of the Earth, and built on the basis of their ideas high-voltage resonant devices, which could also serve as receivers of energy from the environment her environment.

Developing Tesla's ideas, Smith built more than 200 different devices, each of which could supply an electric load of much greater power than the device itself consumed, for example, from a battery.

At a public demonstration in 1996, Smith demonstrated to a wide audience one of these devices, which he fed 10 incandescent lamps of 100 watts, and the device itself needed only grounding and a starting source of energy in the form of a 12 volt battery with a capacity of 6 ampere-hours.

The experts who carried out the measurements stated that if the device worked simply according to the principle of a step-up inverter, the battery would have to give a current of 83 Amperes, which is unrealistic for such a small battery that was used to start up.

Smith's developments also inspire many experimenters, and there are cases of successful repetitions of his devices in many countries of the world.

Smith generator
Smith generator

Both in the territory of the former Soviet Union and in Europe there are experimenters, radio enthusiasts, who have already become famous thanks to their work, who demonstrate similar electrical installations that, when powered by a battery, are capable of delivering several kilowatts of electric energy to a load. As in previous cases, it is argued that the main thing in the devices is resonance, high voltage, and high-quality grounding.

Here it will be appropriate to recall that our planet has a very large negative electric charge, and the upper atmosphere, the ionosphere, up to the thermosphere, due to the strong ionization by cosmic rays, has a large positive electric charge.

It is possible that it is this energy that is somehow converted by the devices into an acceptable form for use, because even at the surface of the earth the electric field has some real intensity. Demonstrations are held in the most ordinary living conditions, so the doubts and angry comments on them from many Internet users who view these videos are quite logical and logical.

There are also mechanical variants of unusual generating devices, when the drive is carried out by means of an asynchronous or commutator motor, then the speed is reduced by transmission, with an increase in torque, which is then transmitted to the shaft of a multipolar (low-speed) alternating current or alternating current generator. The generator feeds the load and the drive motor.

Unusual generator from Romania

This seems impossible, but there are cases of very convincing evidence that a company in a particular country produces such systems, rents them out, or even sells them. An example is the installation recently demonstrated in Romania.

The author launched the mechanical system from the outlet, and then used the energy that the device developed to power the grinder, circular saw and powerful welding inverter. The stabilizing flywheel, the rotation of which could be clearly observed, continued to rotate, indicating that a certain level of energy was constantly maintained during the operation of the installation. Of course, a flurry of criticism fell on this inventor.

food grinder

According to the Romanian researcher himself, his device works thanks to mechanics.

generator demonstration

Meanwhile, the question arises of whether it is legitimate to consider different types of energy and work completely identical? Perhaps this is the reason for the real possibility of constructing such alternative energy devices?

In other matters, there may be a ton of opinions. The fact remains that nature is fraught with many more puzzles that are not written in textbooks, and which mankind has yet to study and channel into a useful direction. Believe or not believe - let everyone decide for himself.

See also at

  • Free energy - how real is it?
  • Free energy machines, perpetual motion machines - secret technologies or a hoax?
  • How to make a perpetual motion machine with your own hands
  • Robert Alexander’s super-efficient motor generator
  • Using the energy of gravity - how is it possible


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    The topic is very interesting. I think it will find many fans.There is a desire to use the resonant frequencies of nature.


    # 2 wrote: Vasiliy | [quote]


    When will it be introduced? ..


    # 3 wrote: | [quote]


    The topic is really interesting, but for some reason the Aldo Costa’s wheel wasn’t even mentioned,
    But with this wheel, the comrade wiped the snot of the French Academy of Sciences and he was given a patent. And to this day, the wheel spins in edification to the authors of such articles.
    In physics, new names and a new classification of self-propelled devices and so-called superunit engines have long been invented.
    The author is a hundred years behind reality.


    # 4 wrote: | [quote]


    In the photo presented, Yaroslav Starukhin visiting the inventor Kaponadze. There is a video on YouTube about this.


    # 5 wrote: | [quote]


    Only armless and lazy who never did anything with their own hands or envious people criticize the self-made and kulibin.


    # 6 wrote: | [quote]


    There is free energy and a person consumes it without noticing it. The proof of this is this - a person needs fresh air, and it differs from stale air in that there are more aeroins (charged particles) in the fresh air and less than any pollutants. Most people want to go out to nature to relax, and in the open space there is more magnetic component and their need for the human body attracts to nature.


    # 7 wrote: | [quote]


    Thank you for the newsletters and the site!


    # 8 wrote: Yuri Morozov | [quote]


    All this is fake, well, firstly, take a high-speed engine, put a flywheel gearbox and rotate a low-speed generator .. a high-speed engine has 2 poles and a low-speed generator can have 10-20 poles, and so when this load is applied, this generator wakes up against these 10-20 poles so there’s no benefit here about Kapanadze, if his installation has a power of 5 kW of electromagnetic radiation, then the eggs next to people should fall off, secondly, the 5 kW installation is in an enclosed box in the aquarium ... it doesn’t get warm ... there are a lot of films It doesn’t suggest that this is a trick ... an advertisement for making money on a show.


    # 9 wrote: Vlad | [quote]


    Let's say you repeated the design, it works perfectly! And why do you think that you will be stronger, smarter and more protected from enemies (enemies of your well-being, enemies of the redistribution of financial flows, etc.)? There are a lot of them - stupid and stupid. The clever among them are not visible at all - they mimic the morons - it’s easier and safer to live like this. And try to show yourself smarter than others without the support of the "top" - here you have another loser in life, a suicide! Well, while proclaiming that you are not such laws, you live calmly and satisfyingly. Therefore, there is no need to talk - there is the principle of operation of the BOLOTOV fuel-free engine at 350 l / s, it seems that there are no barriers to misunderstanding, disputes and no contradictions with the "official science" in his work. But even if this “lite version” of pure mechanics is too much for you. So do not try to look dumber than you are. Do not look for the complicated when there is the simple. Explore Bolotov left with unrealized plans and with a “fuelless” in his hands. But he is a versatile genius in life. )))