Categories: Controversial issues, Energy saving
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Modern Alchemy: Magnetization of Natural Gas


Modern Alchemy: Magnetization of Natural GasImagine: they offer you a fairly simple equipment that quickly mounts and treats a gas pipe with a magnetic field. As a result, when burning, you get savings from 25 to 40% of gas. After reading such information, the leaders and energy companies of natural gas-consuming enterprises will lay their hearts for such equipment. The cost of this energy is now not small and continues to grow.

As always in such cases, information on the physicochemical processes is scarce and contradictory. There is a reference to the patent, an illiterate description of the processes occurring in the gas, and a standard clause on the know-how of the manufacturer. The price of patents is known nowadays: you can patent anything, just pay for registration and patent support.

The gag in the description of gas processing technological processes can also be blamed on zealous marketers who do not own the subject of sale. But photos of equipment sold in hardware, does it mean something? It is one thing to put forward a fantastic idea that will never be realized, and another is an invention that exists in the form of real equipment that you can touch and buy.

Let's not rush shopping. We will think a little and try to deal with the know-how of the manufacturer of such attractive equipment. Let's take a little theory.

First, let's talk about the composition of natural gas. Methane makes up more than 90% of the composition of natural gas, the remaining percentages fall on heavier hydrocarbons and moisture. When gas is burned, the process of splitting of methane molecules occurs, followed by oxidation with oxygen.

The result is carbon dioxide and water. Energy is spent on the splitting of molecules (breaking molecular bonds) of methane, therefore, the real heat of combustion of natural gas is less by 9.8% of the theoretical value, which does not take into account loss on breaking of bonds.

Information for thought number two: natural gas is a poor conductor of electricity, and in a magnetic field behaves like a diamagnetic material. Therefore, it is impossible to “pump” into it any energy from the outside.

Neither a constant magnetic field nor an alternating electromagnetic field can transmit noticeable additional energy to a gas. The only reaction to a powerful magnetic field can only be the polarization of hydrocarbon molecules, specifically methane. But when leaving the zone of influence, the molecules will quickly return to their original state.

Gas pipeline

Now, armed with theoretical knowledge, back to practice. In the description from the manufacturer: in a gas, the magnetic field "... increases the level of excitation of gas molecules that cause them to unite into clusters." This is a phrase from the original advertising text.

Suppose that in some fantastic way we were able to preliminarily split all 100% of the bonds in methane before burning gas, i.e. reduce combustion losses by 9.8%. But just so much we must spend energy from external sources! If we take into account that the process of “pumping” energy into the gas will proceed with an efficiency that is obviously less than 1, then there is no sense in such a preliminary treatment of gas.

But what about saving 25-40% of gas? This is on the conscience of the manufacturer. There is no such efficiency in practice, and even theoretically there can be no such economy. In a similar patent, the gas was treated with strong permanent magnets mounted directly on the burners of steam boilers. As a result of industrial operation, about 8% of gas was saved.

But here you need to be careful. Thermophysical measurements, especially performed under industrial conditions, have an error of 20-30% at best. Therefore, 8% savings, with a great desire to implement equipment people can always be found.Here, the subjective factor is already playing a role.

Natural gas

The general conclusion is that: the rise in price of energy carriers requires constant work to increase the efficiency of equipment. Energy conservation is now a priority area of ​​activity that requires considerable effort and investment. But, unfortunately, unscrupulous people and firms are acting in this area, offering wonderful solutions to problems for "symbolic" amounts.

P.S. Recently, “magnetization technology” has begun to be actively introduced in other areas, for example, the so-called household "gas savers" and "fuel savers" for cars. An example of such a device. Advertising promises a 20% reduction in fuel. In our opinion, this is another scam that brings money only to those who produce and sell these magnetic fuel economizers.

See also at

  • How are gas leak detectors arranged and working?
  • Gas or gas generator? Pros and cons ...
  • Plasma lamps - how they are arranged and work
  • Electricity and the environment
  • 5 unusual ways to produce electrical energy


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    Indeed, the effect of the magnetic field on the chemical reaction of combustion looks rather doubtful, however, like criticism with no less dubious figures ("20-30% at best"). One is worth the other.

    Why such articles in the feed? Are these “notes” not political bits? Especially against the background of the current situation?


    # 2 wrote: andy78 | [quote]


    What does the "political bits" have to do with it? An article as an article. Just for the section "Controversial issues".


    # 3 wrote: | [quote]


    This is the same opera as the magnetization of gasoline in a car. As a diagnostician, I tried to convince the owners of A.M. but to no avail. The man paid money for him and does not want to admit that he simply threw them away. Here is the same situation. Of course, there will be no savings, but since the money has already been paid for this “miracle” device, they will definitely install it.


    # 4 wrote: eduard | [quote]


    I believe that if an article is being written, and not something of the type, then it is necessary to talk about how a person relates to it, not at all begging for the merits of the author; but also in practice - although this is true professionalism!


    # 5 wrote: | [quote]


    Commentators write absolutely illiterate therefore it is not interesting. The author knows physics, knows Russian well and already therefore perfectly exposes today's Ostap Benders. Thanks.


    # 6 wrote: | [quote]


    Yes, quite a normal article. All clear. From the magnetization of natural gas the same savings as from "special devices to save electricity" - RESULT A FULL ZERO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. And the author really thanks a lot for the article !!!


    # 7 wrote: | [quote]


    Thanks for this and similar articles. I read about various "economists" and could not understand the principles applied in them, but I am a metallurgical engineer. You have confirmed my doubts. If this were possible, it would have long been used, for example, in a blast furnace or in heating wells of rolling mills.


    # 8 wrote: Victor | [quote]


    1 piece saves 10%, 10 pieces will reduce consumption to zero, and the eleventh will allow you to produce gas from an empty pipe! I would like to add, buy this device, and install vodka bottles on the neck, it will be better to "insert" ... :)


    # 9 wrote: Dmitriy | [quote]


    The hypothesis in the breakdown of molecular forces by magnetic processing should not even be considered. As I understand it, the last interpretation of the promoters of this product is as follows: methane molecules in natural gas are combined due to intermolecular forces into clusters. This worsens the gas combustion process. Magnetic treatment contributes to the destruction of these clusters. The combustion process improves.Contrary to the opinion of the author, all this is quite realistic to measure with the necessary accuracy, if there was such a desire.

    In principle, a very dubious idea, but definitely not throw labels. The magnetic treatment of water was also negatively perceived and is still perceived by many, however, the actual effect itself cannot be denied. Another thing is its real effectiveness and sufficiency for industrial processes.