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Triacs: From Simple to Complex


Triacs: From Simple to ComplexIn 1963, a large family of Trinistors appeared another "relative" - triac. How does he differ from his "brothers" - trinistors (thyristors)? Remember the properties of these devices. Their work is often compared with the action of an ordinary door: the device is locked - there is no current in the circuit (the door is closed - there is no passage), the device is open - an electric current appears in the circuit (the door opened - enter). But they have a common flaw. Thyristors pass current only in the forward direction - this way an ordinary door easily opens "from itself", but no matter how much you pull it towards you - in the opposite direction, all efforts will be futile.

By increasing the number of semiconductor layers of the thyristor from four to five and equipping it with a control electrode, scientists found that a device with such a structure (later called a triac) is capable of passing electric current in both forward and reverse directions.

Look at figure 1, depicting the structure of the semiconductor layers of the triac. Outwardly, they resemble the transistor structure p-n-r type, but differ in that they have three additional areas with nconductivity. And here's what is interesting: it turns out that two of them, located at the cathode and anode, perform the functions of only one semiconductor layer - the fourth. Fifth forms an area with n-conductivity lying near the control electrode.

It is clear that the operation of such a device is based on more complex physical processes than other types of thyristors. To better understand the principle of the triac operation, we will use its thyristor analog. Why exactly thyristor? The fact is that the separation of the fourth semiconductor layer of the triac is not accidental. Due to this structure, in the forward direction of the current flowing through the device, the anode and cathode perform their main functions, and if they are reversed, they seem to swap places - the anode becomes a cathode, and the cathode, on the contrary, becomes an anode, that is, a triac can be considered as two counter-parallel thyristor switched on (Fig. 2).

Trinistor analogue triac

Trinistor analogue triac

Imagine that a trigger signal is applied to the control electrode. When the voltage at the anode of the device is positive polarity and negative at the cathode, an electric current will flow through the left trinistor. If the polarity of the voltage across the power electrodes is reversed, the right trinistor will turn on. The fifth semiconductor layer, like a traffic controller controlling the movement of cars at an intersection, sends a trigger signal, depending on the phase of the current, to one of the trinistors. In the absence of a trigger signal, the triac is closed.

On the whole, its action can be compared, for example, with a revolving door at a metro station - in which direction you push it, it will certainly open. Indeed, we apply the unlocking voltage to the control electrode of the triac - “push” it, and the electrons, like passengers hurrying to board or exit, will flow through the device in the direction dictated by the polarity of the anode and cathode.

This conclusion is confirmed by the current-voltage characteristic of the device (Fig. 3). It consists of two identical curves rotated 180 ° relative to each other. Their shape corresponds to the current-voltage characteristic of the dynistor, and the regions of the nonconducting state, like that of the trinistor, can be easily overcome if a trigger voltage is applied to the control electrode (changing sections of the curves are shown by dashed lines).

Due to the symmetry of the current-voltage characteristic, the new semiconductor device was called a symmetric thyristor (in short - a triac). It is sometimes called a triac (a term that comes from English).

The triac has inherited from its predecessor, the thyristor, all its best properties. But the most important advantage of the novelty is that two semiconductor devices are immediately located in its case. Judge for yourself. To control the DC circuit, one thyristor is required, for the alternating current circuit of the devices there must be two (turned on in parallel). And if we take into account that each of them needs a separate source of unlocking voltage, which, moreover, must turn on the device exactly at the moment of changing the phase of the current, it becomes clear how difficult such a control unit will be. For the triac, the kind of current does not matter. Only one such device with a source of unlocking voltage is enough, and a universal control device is ready. It can be used in a DC or AC power circuit.

The close relationship between the thyristor and the triac led to the fact that these devices had a lot in common. So the electrical properties of the triac are characterized by the same parameters as the thyristor. They are also marked in the same way - by the letters KU, a three-digit number and the letter index at the end of the designation. Sometimes triacs are designated somewhat differently - by the letters TC, which means "thyristor is symmetrical."

The conventional graphic designation of triacs on circuit diagrams is shown in Figure 4.

Triacs: From Simple to ComplexFor a practical acquaintance with triacs, we will choose devices of the KU208 series - triode symmetric thyristors of the p-p-p-p type. The types of devices are indicated by the letter indices in their designation - A, B, C or G. The constant voltage that the triac with the index A can withstand when closed is 100 V, B - 200 V, V - 300 V and G - 400 V. The remaining parameters of these devices are identical: the maximum direct current in the open state is 5 A, the pulse current is 10 A, the leakage current in the closed state is 5 mA, the voltage between the cathode and the anode in the conducting state is -2 V, the value of the unlocking voltage at the control electrode 5 V at 160 mA, dissipated by the housing The instrument power- 10 W, the maximum operating frequency - 400 Hz.

And now let's turn to electric lighting devices. There is nothing easier to manage the work of any of them. I pressed, for example, the switch key - and in the room a chandelier lit up, pressed again - went out. Sometimes, however, this advantage unexpectedly turns into a disadvantage, especially if you want to make your room cozy, create a feeling of comfort, and for this it is so important to choose the right lighting. Now, if the glow of the lamps changed smoothly ...

It turns out that there is nothing impossible. It is only necessary instead of a conventional switch to connect an electronic device that controls the brightness of the lamp. The functions of the controller, "commander" of the lamps, in such a device performs a semiconductor triac.

You can build a simple control device that will help you control the brightness of the glow of a table lamp or a chandelier, change the temperature of a hot plate or a tip of a soldering iron using the circuit shown in Figure 5.

Schematic diagram of the regulator

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the regulator

The transformer T1 converts the mains voltage of 220 V into 12 - 25 V. It is rectified by the diode block VD1-VD4 and fed to the control electrode of the triac VS1. The resistor R1 limits the current of the control electrode, and the magnitude of the control voltage is controlled by a variable resistor R2.

Timing diagrams of voltage: a - in the network; b - on the control electrode of the triac, c - on the load

Fig. 6. Timing diagrams of voltage: a - in the network; b - on the control electrode of the triac, c - on the load.

To make it easier to understand the operation of the device, we construct three time diagrams of voltages: mains, at the control electrode of the triac and at the load (Fig. 6). After the device is connected to the network, an alternating voltage of 220 V is supplied to its input (Fig. 6a). At the same time, a negative sinusoidal voltage is applied to the control electrode of the triac VS1 (Fig. 66). At the moment when its value exceeds the switching voltage, the device will open and the mains current will flow through the load.After the value of the control voltage becomes lower than the threshold, the triac remains open due to the fact that the load current exceeds the holding current of the device. At the moment when the voltage at the input of the regulator changes its polarity, the triac closes. The process is then repeated. Thus, the voltage at the load will have a sawtooth shape (Fig. 6c)

The larger the amplitude of the control voltage, the earlier the triac will turn on, and therefore, the longer the current pulse will be in the load. Conversely, the smaller the amplitude of the control signal, the shorter the duration of this pulse. At the extreme left position of the engine variable resistor R2 according to the diagram, the load will absorb the full "portions" of power. If the R2 regulator is turned in the opposite direction, the amplitude of the control signal is below the threshold value, the triac will remain in the closed state and the current will not flow through the load.

It is easy to guess that our device regulates the power consumed by the load, thereby changing lamp brightness or temperature of the heating element.

You can apply the following elements to your device. Triac KU208 with the letter B or G. Diode block KTs405 or KTs407 with any letter index, four are also suitable semiconductor diode series D226, D237. Permanent resistor - MLT-0.25, variable - SPO-2 or any other power not less than 1 W. ХР1 - standard network plug, XS1 - socket. The T1 transformer is designed for a secondary winding voltage of 12-25 V.

If there is no suitable transformer, make it yourself. The core is made of Ш16 plates, the set thickness is 20 mm, winding I contains 3300 turns of PEL-1 0.1 wire, and winding II contains 300 turns of PEL-1 0.3.

Toggle switch - any network fuse, must be designed for the maximum load current.

The regulator is assembled in a plastic case. A toggle switch, a variable resistor, a fuse holder and a socket are mounted on the top panel. A transformer, a diode block and a triac are installed at the bottom of the case. The triac must be equipped with a heat dissipating radiator with a thickness of 1 - 2 mm and an area of ​​at least 14 cm2. Drill a hole for the power cord in one of the side walls of the chassis.

The device does not need to be adjusted, and with proper installation and serviceable parts, it starts working immediately after it is connected to the network.


V. Yantsev.

See also at

  • Triac Control: Powerful AC Load Control
  • How to check triac
  • Methods and circuits for controlling a thyristor or triac
  • How to easily control a powerful AC load
  • How to check the diode and thyristor. 3 easy ways


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    A good thing is a triac, it doesn’t jam like a relay when controlling the load, it is smaller in size, the main thing is to choose a suitable radiator to cool 0.5 ... 1 V falling at the transition. You can control the voltage as in the example, as well as open with a pulse and even close with a pulse of a different polarity.

    But there are also disadvantages, for different polarities of the applied and control voltage, the opening point of the positive and negative half-waves is slightly shifted, when working on the transformer there is a constant component of magnetization due to this. In the made device, the transformer consumed idling several times more current than under load. We fought for a long time figuring out why, but still found the reason.


    # 2 wrote: | [quote]


    To the author of the article - Triacs from simple to complex.

    Neither which diode nor any triac conducts in the opposite direction!
    This is the basis for the operation of semiconductor diodes.


    # 3 wrote: andy78 | [quote]


    Fomich, are you serious or a joke?

    Any triac can be represented by two thyristors connected in counter-parallel and it passes current in both directions, i.e. the triac conducts current both from the anode to the cathode and from the cathode to the anode. This is its most important property, and this, in fact, the triac differs from the thyristor (thyristors in the open state conduct current in only one direction).


    # 4 wrote: | [quote]


    That no, I was not joking.
    I wanted to draw attention to such a fact. From your quote ...

    (Any triac can be represented by two thyristors connected in counter-parallel and it passes current in both directions, i.e. the triac conducts current both from the anode to the cathode and from the cathode to the anode)

    Then where is the anode of the triac and where is the cathode?
    Just when the 1st thyristor is open, the 2nd_th is closed, when the 2nd thyristor is open
    1st_ is closed.
    And to write that the triac conducts in the opposite direction ...
    Probably needed to write - conducts current in both directions ...


    # 5 wrote: andy78 | [quote]


    Clear. This is simply an ambiguity of terms. I agree that the triac and the anode are physically absent from the triac, but they are conditionally, terminologically-conceptual.

    Here, for example, is a quote from Wikipedia: “Unlike a trinistor having a cathode and anode, it is incorrect to call the main (power) terminals of a triac as a cathode or anode, because by the structure of the triac they are both simultaneously. However, by the way of switching on the of the electrode, the main terminals of the triac are different, and there is an analogy with the cathode and anode of the trinistor. One of the terminals of the triac is called the conditional cathode, the other - the conditional anode ... "

    About the "triac conducts current in both directions" I agree, because The phrase "triac conducts current in the opposite direction" is not entirely correct.


    # 6 wrote: | [quote]


    So the triac on this circuit can be easily replaced by two thyristors connected in opposite parallel of the same denominations? And is it possible to do this in each case with triacs?


    # 7 wrote: andy78 | [quote]


    Theoretically possible. One triac can replace two counter-parallel connected thyristors, and vice versa two correctly connected thyristors can replace a triac. Practically for this you need to use a different control circuit, since each tiristra has its own control electrode. Here you can see thyristor control circuits.


    # 8 wrote: | [quote]


    Excellent article, everything is stated very clearly and easily.


    # 9 wrote: | [quote]


    Please answer the mail, such a question. If instead of a triac use thyristors, is the anode and cathode connected according to the scheme? But on the contrary, nothing bad will come of it? And how to determine what exactly, and not otherwise?


    # 10 wrote: | [quote]


    Great article.

    For a long time I was looking for a way to make a semiconductor relay (silent), I did not understand how to make control. Everything is very simple. Thanks to the author.

    Power supply to the meter, after the meter only the transformer supplying the triac. The controller twists the plugs, the triac closes and everything is de-energized.

    I’ll go to collect the circuit :)


    # 11 wrote: | [quote]


    The article is really good, but I'm not very literate. You write that at the same time a negative sinusoidal voltage is applied to the control electrode of the triac VS1. But how can it be sinusoidal if a cut wave is applied to the control electrode, i.e. D.C. And one more thing I ask you to enlighten me - you write - and the variable voltage R2 is controlled by the variable resistor R2. But according to the scheme, the flow already passes through the resistor R1 and it limits the current, and it seems to me the voltage. Then why do we need R1 if there is a potentiometer? Thank you in advance for your response.


    # 12 wrote: | [quote]


    Assembled a circuit.The simistor set tc112, it did not need to exclude the diode bridge, since the half-wave polarity on the control electrode (UE) should coincide with the network polarity. The device worked at half, the lamp glowed from half brightness to maximum. This is explained by the fact that the simistor opens half the half-wave on the UE when it increases. And it closes when the half-wave passes through zero.


    # 13 wrote: | [quote]


    According to the scheme: the transformer lowers to 12 - 25 V and produces an alternating voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz. Further: the output rectifier does not give out a constant, but a PULSEING SINUSOIDAL voltage with a frequency of 100 Hz. What is happening ?: the signals on the control electrode of the SYMISTOR sinusoidal shape with a frequency of 100 Hz keep the device open. And if instead of a triac, put 2 thyristors counterclockwise, then they will open and close ALTERNATIVELY with a frequency of 50 Hz, since in the power part of the circuit an alternating current of precisely this frequency. Now add a variable resistor to the current-limiting resistor, and start playing with it. The AMPLITUDE of the control pulses is changing, and, as a consequence, the moment of opening of the thyristors (or triac). The load power is being adjusted. But on the account of the fact that the load works from half to the maximum of its rated power: thyristors and triacs have the so-called maximum unlocking angles (minimum and maximum). Therefore, you have to CHOOSE and find a COMPROMISE for min / max power. I hope it is intelligible?


    # 14 wrote: | [quote]


    An interesting article, I liked it very much. I just can’t understand, the circuit of the secondary winding of the transformer is closed through a potentiometer and a control signal is removed from it, but why the tap from this circuit to the mains voltage?


    # 15 wrote: kokon | [quote]


    If there is no this connection, then the current will not flow through the control terminal, since the circuit must be closed, the current does not flow in the open circuit, the Transformer decouples the secondary circuit from the primary, if you remove that connection, the current in the secondary circuit will only flow through potentiometer, there will be no current on the control terminal, relative to its other terminals (except for its own leakage currents). If we draw an analogy with doors, it’s about how to try to open the door by the handle, while hanging on the door itself, it won’t open, because there’s no reason to push it off, when we are standing on the floor, we open the door, relative to the floor.


    # 16 wrote: | [quote]


    and I have this question: We have a solid-state relay. Designed to control alternating current (inside the triac), supplying direct current to the input. Will such a relay control direct current? Thank you all for your reply.


    # 17 wrote: Alexander | [quote]


    I'm trying to figure out the work of the triac. Thank you for the article.
    A remark of such a plan. Many authors on the sites, when explaining the operation of the triac, provide an equivalent circuit of two thyristors with connected control electrodes. But as I understand it, such a scheme is not functional. Since to open the thyrator, you need to apply a signal relative to the cathode. For one thyristor, this is not true for another.
    Therefore, such a scheme is only misleading.
    To start such a circuit of two thyristors, one needs to have broken control electrodes and two power sources.
    Or am I wrong ???


    # 18 wrote: Deha | [quote]


    The diode can generally be replaced with a battery.