Categories: Sharing experience, Energy saving
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How to save electricity in an apartment and a private house


How to save electricity in an apartment and a private houseThe People's Encyclopedia Wikipedia reveals the term “Saving” as a prudent, careful spending of any resources.

Applying it to electricity, it should be clarified that you can reduce electricity charges:

1. restoring order when using numerous electrical appliances without the cost of material resources;

2. application of new technologies requiring initial financial investments;

3. Elementary stealing electricity.

The method of theft involved people who have lost their conscience. They have developed many deceptive technologies. But this is not our topic at all, so we will consider in more detail the first two methods.

In life, there are times when good intentions are not always justified, and the transition to energy-saving technologies is often accompanied by monetary costs.

Simple ways to save energy

Recommendations for saving electricity in everyday life are well known, but not all people see the main sources of loss.

The average data performed by the researchers showed this picture.

Electricity consumption in an apartment

This is a very rough estimate, it can differ greatly from each owner, but you need to know it. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct simple measurements of electricity consumption in your home and evaluate them for a month. They will clarify the real picture.

You can do this:

1. a rough estimate of the power consumption claimed by the manufacturer;

2. measurements of consumed load currents with electrical calculations;

3. measurements by home wattmeters.

The first method does not always take into account the actual technical condition of the devices. Their insulation may be underestimated, creating additional leakage currents.

The second method is more accurate, but requires the availability of electrical meters and the skills to use them.

Home Power Meters For several years now they have been freely sold to measure the electrical power of any electrical appliance in a modern apartment. They are inserted into the gap between the plug and the outlet, and measurements are made automatically. Visual information is displayed when the device is turned on in display mode. This method is available to any adult.


Usually they consume the most part of electricity. Therefore, their choice should be paid maximum attention when buying.

Choose a refrigerator

pay attention to energy efficiency label acquired model. It most fully reflects energy losses, which are minimal for class “A” and maximum for “G”.

These parameters are subjected to rigorous testing and complex calculations, but they characterize the indicators of energy saving during long-term operation, for example, for a year.

Even high-quality freezing equipment can create conditions under which it will work unnecessarily. Therefore, pay attention to a few tips:

  • it is advisable to place refrigerators in cool places, which they will additionally heat, taking away heat from food. A freezer on a closed loggia will bring more benefit to the owner than in a warm kitchen, where there is enough refrigerator;

  • the installation of warm pots, as well as long open doors create an additional load on cooling;

  • it is better to lower the temperature of frozen meat, fish and other products from the freezer well in advance of cooking in the refrigerator compartment. This will create an additional saving effect.

We protect the frost of the refrigerator


This is the second most powerful “energy eater”. If there is no way to get rid of them, then you should pay attention to their technical condition and compliance with obvious recommendations:

  • the bottoms of dishes should fit snugly against the heating elements: excess gaps impede heat transfer, and energy is spent more on heating the air than on cooking;

  • tight-fitting lids on pans prevent steam from escaping and removing heat: food is cooked faster and better (remember the principle of a pressure cooker);

  • when working with an electric oven, use its maximum volume; bake three small pies irrationally;

  • boiling the same volume of water in a separate pan at a time is more economical than in several.

We protect the heat of the electric stove

There are other ways: their main recommendation is to direct the heat generated by electricity to the maximum for cooking as intended, rather than heating the surrounding area.

Lighting devices

Incandescent lamps are the cheapest light sources that have the most limited life. But it can be significantly extended. There are many such devices on sale, and a simple scheme is offered to the home master for self-production.

Extend the life of an incandescent lamp

When turned on under voltage, the chain “C1, R1” provides a smooth supply of current to the filament, “VD1-4 and C2” maintain a stable voltage value for the lamp from a constant rather than sinusoidal current.

Energy-saving models significantly reduce power consumption for lighting. However, create conditions for them: otherwise, by reducing electricity consumption, you can increase your financial costs for acquiring burned out lamps.

Twilight switches, devices that create slow heating of the filament, dimmers for brightness control and other similar devices are not always suitable for fluorescent lamps. Energy-saving lamps need a stable voltage and long operation, and not frequent on / off and adjustment.

We create the optimal mode of operation

Inside the bulb of fluorescent lamps and energy-saving light sources there are two filaments that, no matter how you protect, but someday they will burn out.

Induction lamps devoid of this drawback. They have a completely sealed glass flask without any metal contacts, which is filled with the same medium as its predecessors. The principle of transformation of electric power from the primary winding created by the electronic device into the secondary one, which is the medium filling the flask, is laid in the scheme of their work.

Differences in induction lamps

These models are able to work for a very long time, so their cost, due to the complexity of the production process, is high.

LED lamps save even more energy. But on sale now there are massively “disposable” flashlights, backlights and even road lights on cars in which the current passed through the LED directly from the battery is overestimated.

When sold, this design shines very brightly: the phosphor is consumed above the norm by a fermented semiconductor junction. But very soon its resource ends, and the brightness quickly disappears ... and consumers go to the store again.

LED Lamp Mistakes

It is not difficult to include a current-limiting resistor in such a circuit, the value of which can be calculated according to the formula shown in the figure. In it, a coefficient of 0.75 is specially introduced in order to stock the LED for saving the phosphor. After all, a decrease in current slightly below the nominal characteristics recommended by the manufacturers affects the brightness very slightly, hardly visible to the human eye, but effectively prolongs the life.

When planning the lighting of rooms, you should make the most of the natural rays of the sun, create multi-stage sources of local, general and combined use.

Washing machines

The same performance indicators are introduced for them as for refrigerators. When buying a new model, pay attention to the energy efficiency label. Class “G” will “eat” electricity the most, and “A” will save.

Small-sized machines are specially designed for small families and allow washing at a reduced size at reduced cost, without creating a large supply of dirty laundry.

Rules for economical washing

Ultrasonic washing in some cases can greatly facilitate the work, and such devices consume about 15 watts (to enlarge, click on the picture).

Ultrasonic wash


The same principles of economy are used for them as for washing machines, in addition, many models have a half load mode.

Rules for economical washing dishes

Televisions, radios, multimedia devices

Modern electronic media and entertainment consume significantly less electricity than their recent predecessors. Models with cathode ray tubes already work in few places.

People are used to the fact that office equipment consumes little electricity in sleep and standby mode, often they do not turn it off. But part of the energy is still consumed by the power supply to maintain the circuit.

Rules for the economical use of electronics

It is not difficult to unplug the device from the outlet: from small values, each device has large losses per year.

And if you work with a laptop that consumes no more than 80 watts, then the savings compared to a computer that requires about 400 watts are obvious: 5 times.

All modern office equipment is powered by a constant voltage of ± 12 (24) volts. To connect to a household electrical network, power supplies are used. A voltage of ≈220 is supplied to their input from sockets, and ± 12 volts is output to the internal circuit of the devices.

When using wind generators, solar panels, as alternative sources, storage batteries are used, the energy of which is converted by inverters into a household network ≈220 volts.

Using a simple adapter with a connector for your device, you can avoid double energy conversion by connecting, for example, a laptop directly to an external ± 12 volt battery.

Rules for the economical use of a laptop

Other household appliances

If you follow the rules set out in the technical description of each device, then not only the resource is extended, but also energy savings are created. For example, the load on the vacuum cleaner’s engine is reduced with clean filters, and the meat grinder’s knives will process the warm meat better than not completely thawed when the electricity consumption increases.

When choosing a multicooker for your home, compare its characteristics with a pressure cooker that cooks according to the same principles, but under the pressure of steam that is not released into the atmosphere. The result is reduced operating time and energy costs.

Energy saving with initial financial investments

This category includes technologies called "Smart House". The use of modern scientific developments improves the management of life support technological processes with a reduction in energy consumption.

Promising areas are:

  • transition to alternative energy sources (sun, wind, water);

  • geothermal energy (heat pumps).

Irradiation of the Earth by the Sun

Solar power is very attractive to homeowners. It is used by all countries of the world, and the expected effect of the introduced technology, taking into account the spent finances, sometimes brings disappointment.

To home solar station worked correctly, it is necessary to accurately determine its characteristics at the project stage. Many home-made designs do not take into account the emerging complexities of the technology, often doomed to failure.

How to design a solar station

Wind energy

Home wind turbines in many cases, they can significantly reduce energy costs. However, they, like solar stations, require accurate calculation of the project and compliance with the installation technology.

Many owners of such power plants are disappointed due to improper accounting of wind flow capacities, leading to frequent equipment downtime. Pay attention to the possibility of a fall in high-rise structures during off-design storm loads.

Wind Generator Design Errors

Energy of moving water

The creation of a home hydroelectric station is justified when a water source is located near the house that can transfer sufficient power to the water wheel. The most effective are those designs that are able to work under ice in any frost.

Geothermal Energy

The use of thermal energy from the outer core and the surface layer of the earth is increasingly being used to heat buildings. Devices that can "raise heat" of the soil are called heat pumps. Their work uses the thermodynamic principles described by the Carnot cycle.

The efficiency of using such structures is high, and energy costs are reduced to ensuring the continuous operation of the compressor motor for refrigerant circulation (click on the picture to enlarge).

Geothermal energy

However, this method requires large investments in the planning and installation of the entire structure.

For the economical consumption of electricity in the house, it is necessary at the project stage to consider the most suitable options for you, taking into account local and climatic conditions, natural lighting and heat conservation.

See also at

  • Energy Saving at Home
  • Solar Power For Home
  • Backup power system for the home - features of the device and operation
  • Solar controllers
  • 5 unusual ways to produce electrical energy


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    Cool article!


    # 2 wrote: | [quote]


    Actually! Simple, affordable and scientific! Very spectacular! Thank you, dear Alexey Semenovich!


    # 3 wrote: | [quote]


    Hello! Sorry, I am a humanist by education, I have no technical knowledge. Especially for me such articles are very useful, raising the level of technical education to the necessary in everyday life. If possible, please decipher the author’s recommendations on the use of refrigerators: “it is better to lower the temperature of frozen meat, fish and other products from the freezer well in advance before cooking in the refrigerator compartment.” It is not clear to me why and with what help, at home, it is necessary to lower the temperature of the products frozen in the freezer (there it is already about minus 20 degrees Celsius, which is much lower!). As for the "cooking in the refrigerator compartment," this is apparently just a typo. As a result, the meaning of the advice remained incomprehensible to me.


    # 4 wrote: | [quote]



    "decrease in temperature" ... increase essno.

    The author meant that it is advisable to defrost food products intended for tomorrow's cooking not tomorrow, under a tap of cold water, but today - by moving these products from the freezer to the refrigerator.

    Thank you for the article. I’ll add from myself: having some relation to alternative energy sources, I calculated the payback of projects, the following came out:

    Wind generators from 8 to 10 years.

    Solar panels from 5 to 8 years.

    Solar water heaters from 2 to 4 years.

    Non-name equipment was not involved in the calculations, which simply might not work for these 5-10 years.


    # 5 wrote: | [quote]


    Simple, affordable and with schemes. Thank you, dear Alexey Semenovich!
    Please tell me, if you put together a life extension circuit for an incandescent lamp, what voltage will be applied to the bulb? What is the price of parts relative to the price of a bulb? Thanks in advance.


    # 6 wrote: | [quote]


    Sorry, but the LED does not have a phosphor.


    # 7 wrote: | [quote]


    There are various types of LEDs, those that are superbright, which are just used in LED lamps with a phosphor, its ultraviolet light emitted by a semiconductor diode. The brightness of the LED depends on the intensity of ultraviolet radiation.I myself repeatedly changed the circuitry in such bulbs, using fewer parts and received a more optimal LED mode, based on reference data for a particular LED. And he himself assembled such lamps, saving 3-4 times that of those in stores, using a base from non-working energy saving and smd LEDs with very good characteristics, I have such a hobby.


    # 8 wrote: | [quote]


    How toxic are economical bulbs if they break? I wiped this place (where it fell) with sponges with soap, without soap, then painted over with spray paint nitro paint. I would like to know how much this makes sense.


    # 9 wrote: | [quote]


    Everything was fine until a phosphor appeared in the LEDs !!!!


    # 10 wrote: | [quote]


    Good article. I do not like the "phosphor", so for ordinary people it is not so important. You can correct and write about degradation at high currents and especially temperatures. Now they put more weak radiators, rather than overstating the current.

    Batman turbo,
    Yes, do not worry, there are not drops, but only mercury vapors. Washed off, ventilated. On the street you inhale the whole table, and are still alive.


    # 11 wrote: | [quote]


    VladimirIndeed, there is no phosphor in LEDs, but it is in LED lamps. The LED matrix emits ultraviolet that is not visible to the human eye. A phosphor converts it into the visible spectrum.


    # 12 wrote: MaksimovM | [quote]


    Alexei, at the expense of alternative energy sources. Now there is no guarantee that the electrical equipment of well-known manufacturers will work longer than the so-called "no-name". Faced more than once with a situation when new equipment of well-known manufacturers, which is mounted at substations, failed in the first years of operation, although manufacturers claim a 25-year life.

    Therefore, theoretically - this is one period, but in practice it is possible to increase the payback period by several times. It seems to me that it is more important to focus on energy conservation.


    # 13 wrote: Marina | [quote]


    An interesting and useful article, even knew some points. Redmond smart sockets save us in this regard, the extra energy is not wasted. can be blocked when not in use.


    # 14 wrote: | [quote]


    Good evening, brothers. I read your conclusions and did not draw any conclusions.
    1. There is a food blog in energy-saving, which also needs to eat - where does the saving come from?
    2. Through a diode bridge, diodes also eat .....
    3. They would pay a decent salary and the head would not hurt, wherever to save.


    # 15 wrote: | [quote]


    Good afternoon! Thanks for the advice - they helped me a lot, everything is written in an accessible and understandable way.


    # 16 wrote: | [quote]


    The article is very relevant when tariffs rise.
    There are many ways to reduce consumption:
    first, use spot lighting, there is no need to illuminate the entire room if you work at a table and replace the desired lamp with LED,
    second, adjust the temperature in the refrigerator and freezer -8-9 and 16-18
    third - wash the boiler more often and change the heater (if any)
    fourth - wash at 40 C
    the fifth TV and all consoles when not in use, turn off
    sixth - use lighting dimers
    and turn off everything when not needed.
    Saving will be at least twice-verified!