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What you need to know when installing an RCD and grounding device in an apartment or private house


What you need to know when installing an RCD and grounding device in an apartment or private houseAttention!!!

No need to use RCD or difavtomaty with electronic control, for example, IEK AD 12, IEK AD 14 difavtomats, when the phase or neutral conductor breaks, the power of the electronic control circuit is de-energized and the differential protection stops working. There is a diffrel with an electronic control circuit in which, in the event of a power failure, the consumer switches off in the likeness of a starter. To connect the consumer after resuming power, you must manually turn on this type of diffrel. This type of differential switch can be used to power electrical appliances where it is dangerous to re-supply voltage after a power failure.

With wrong done grounding can be more dangerous than without grounding !!!

Grounding without an RCD or grounding is prohibited !!!

How to connect the RCD properly, see here: RCD connection diagram


Do not connect the ground terminals of outlets and electrical appliances protected only by circuit breakers that protect only wiring from short circuits in the phase-neutral and phase-phase circuits to natural, artificial and especially home-made grounding. You expose yourself and others to mortal danger. Automata are triggered only by currents many times higher than the nominal value of the automaton. Natural, artificial and especially home-made grounding in the vast majority of cases has a resistance that cannot create such currents and, accordingly, carry out a protective shutdown of automatic machines within 0.4 seconds normalized by safety.

For example, if the neutral grounding at the substation, according to the rules, is 4 Ohms, taking into account repeated grounding and your grounding is also 4 Ohms and a breakdown occurs in one of the electrical appliances, then on all grounded housings of electrical appliances connected to the ground, through protective grounding conductors, a dangerous potential will appear 110 volts. If the resistance of your grounding is more than 4 Ohms, the dangerous voltage on the cases of electrical appliances will be even greater.

For example, in a widespread circuit breaker with a characteristic of 16 amperes, the current to ensure a safe shutdown time of 0.4 seconds should exceed the circuit breaker rating by 5-10 times, that is, for a reliable shutdown in 0.4 seconds, the current passing through the circuit breaker should not be less than 160 amperes.

If the resistance at the substation and local grounding is 4 Ohms, then the current with a single-phase short circuit to ground through this machine will be I = V / R, 220 volts / (4 Ohms of the substation ground + 4 Ohms of local ground) = 27.5 amperes, this is taking into account the resistance of the line itself. If you take them into account, the current will be even less. The C16 machine will not shut off from a current of 27.5A in 0.4 seconds, a shutdown will occur in about 40-180 seconds from the thermal protection of the machine overload. All these 40-180 seconds on the conductive housings of electrical appliances and other electrically connected objects will be, although less than 220 volts, but a dangerous potential. Also, all these 40-180 seconds, the wiring must withstand a current of 27.5A, so that there is no fire.

To achieve grounding resistance even 4 Ohms with three pins, especially driven in the form of a triangle, is very problematic.

Now we calculate what the total grounding resistance should be, so that through the C16 circuit breaker current flows 160 amperes and the circuit breaker shuts down in 0.4 seconds. R = V / A, 220 volts / 160 amperes = 1.375 Ohms, even professionals with experience and devices are not always able to achieve such a total resistance at the substation and local grounding. Automatic machines C25, C32, C40, etc.will not work at all with a total ground resistance of 8 ohms at the substation and local.


Do not connect the ground outlet of sockets, electrical appliances, metal housings of electrical appliances to pipes and third-party conductive objects of the building.

In the event of a breakdown on the case in an electrical device connected to a pipeline or other external conductive object, the machines may not work for many reasons. Under the voltage of the network will be all electrically connected conductive objects, including in neighboring apartments and houses. As a result, a massively deadly electric shock and fire hazard are inevitable!

At any time, a grounded, nullified pipe may cease to be such, for example, when repairing pipes or in place of threaded joints due to corrosion. Nowadays, plastic pipes are being used more and more, so pipes cannot be a natural grounding, much less a protective conductor.

Some incompetent publications, including on the sites of companies licensed for electrical installation, recommend such deadly and criminally responsible pseudo-protection as the use of pipes as natural grounding or grounding, and the rest the vast majority of publications are re-publication of these publications by people poorly or not at all understanding nothing in electrics.

With centralized heating, water and gas supply in a private house, I would recommend putting plastic couplings in the gap of metal pipes at the entrance to the site or, in extreme cases, at the entrance to the house household electric boilersto protect yourself from the grief of grounding workers.

Wrong done grounding with a neutral break, it is deadly, even if there is an RCD !!!


Do not connect the ground connection of electrical outlets, electrical appliances with this type of output, and metal housing of electrical appliances to a neutral electrical wire in homes with two-wire wiring, that is, do not nullify the ground connection of outlets and electrical appliances. Some make such a deadly mistake by passing a wire into a shield from the "earthen" terminal of the outlet or electrical appliance and there they nullify or, even worse, connect the "earthen" terminal terminal to the neutral wire with a jumper.

At any moment, at any place, a neutral wire break can occur, it is usually remembered by the burning of almost all the electrical appliances included in the network, the phase and neutral will be mistakenly interchanged, the wires will overlap on the overhead lines, after which a dangerous voltage distortion of the network will appear on the zeroed cases of electrical devices .

The PUE describes the grounding of the conductive surfaces of electrical installations, which include elevators, pumping stations, transformer substations, building entrance boards that are serviced by qualified personnel, and not household electrical appliances with single-phase power. According to paragraph of Russian PUE 7 1.7.132 It is not allowed to combine the functions of the zero protective and zero working conductors in single-phase and direct current circuits.

7.1.45. The choice of the cross-section of the conductors should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant chapters of the PUE. Single-phase two- and three-wire lines, as well as three-phase four- and five-wire lines when supplying single-phase loads, must have a cross section of zero working (N) conductors equal to the cross section of phase conductors. Three-phase four- and five-wire lines when feeding three-phase symmetrical loads must have a cross section of zero working (N) conductors equal to the cross-section of phase conductors, if the phase conductors have a cross section of up to 16 mm2 for copper and 25 mm2 for aluminum, and for large cross sections - at least 50 % cross section of phase conductors. The cross-section of PEN conductors must be not less than the cross-section of N conductors and not less than 10 mm2 for copper and 16 mm2 for aluminum, regardless of the cross-section of the phase conductors.The cross-section of PE conductors should be equal to the phase cross-section for the latter to 16 mm2, 16 mm2 for the phase conductors from 16 to 35 mm2 and 50% of the phase conductors for large cross-sections. The PE section of conductors not included in the cable should be at least 2.5 mm2 - in the presence of mechanical protection and 4 mm2 - in its absence.

The photographs show floorboards of residential multi-apartment buildings, with two wired apartments, in which there is no PEN conductor that meets modern standards for the cross-section of conductors, and even less PE conductor. Only the PEN conductor, which is shabby from time to time, which in some boards has gaps forbidden, even by the old rules, on each floor, is made of an aluminum wire with a cross-section of about 6 mm, which does not comply with modern standards of the cross-section, to which the neutrals of the meters and the shield itself are not connected securely and accordingly, it cannot perform protective functions. The neutrals of the apartments are connected directly to the meters. Also, there is no connection to the ground loop of the building.

Maybe the photos will convince you not to get lost, it’s not clear where.

Shield 4 floors of a 9-storey building
Shield 4 floors of a 9-storey building

Shield 4 floors of a 9-storey building.

The shield of the 1st floor of a 9-storey building, it is clearly seen that the neutral aluminum wire with a cross section of about 6 mm does not directly touch the bracket welded to the shield, but connects to it through two plates, it breaks, although the clamp design allows you to start a solid wire
The shield of the 1st floor of a 9-storey building, it is clearly seen that the neutral aluminum wire with a cross section of about 6 mm does not directly touch the bracket welded to the shield, but connects to it through two plates, it breaks, although the clamp design allows you to start a solid wire

The shield on the 1st floor of a 9-story building, it is clearly seen that the neutral aluminum wire with a cross section of about 6 mm does not directly touch the bracket welded to the shield, but connects to it through two plates, it breaks, although the design of the clamp allows you to start a solid wire.

The shield of 2 floors of a 9-storey building, the neutral of this and all the upper floors is connected through an incomprehensible connection in the electrical tape. also on the upper right part of the photo you can see that on this floor some other strange neutrals are connected
The shield of 2 floors of a 9-storey building, the neutral of this and all the upper floors is connected through an incomprehensible connection in the electrical tape. also on the upper right part of the photo you can see that on this floor some other strange neutrals are connected
The shield of 2 floors of a 9-storey building, the neutral of this and all the upper floors is connected through an incomprehensible connection in the electrical tape. also on the upper right part of the photo you can see that on this floor some other strange neutrals are connected

The shield of 2 floors of a 9-storey building, the neutral of this and all the upper floors is connected through an incomprehensible connection in the electrical tape. also on the upper right part of the photo you can see that some strange incomprehensible neutrals are connected on this floor.

To protect against electric shock in houses with two-wire wiring, especially in the presence of children, boilers, a jacuzzi, washing machines, microwave ovens, dishwashers, etc., the only correct option is to install a 10 mA RCD first after an opening machine or apartment traffic jams.

The most optimal option is to put an RCD of 10 mA after the automatic machine of each group, and to install duplicate RCD 30 mA after the introductory machine.

It would not hurt to replace a pair of existing plugs or a single-pole single-pole circuit breaker with a two-pole circuit breaker with characteristic B, which would simultaneously turn off the phase and neutral. Or make a billboard and divide and protect different consumers with avatoms with lower denominations.


If the three-wire wiring has already been done and connected, and the grounding is missing or not yet done, disconnect the protective conductor from all outlets, chandeliers and other electrical appliances and the protective bus in the shield, and insulate. In the event of a breakdown in one of the devices under a dangerous network voltage, through the protective conductor, there will be all the conductive cases of electrical appliances, this is especially dangerous in the absence of an RCD. Also, when protective conductors are connected and there is no grounding, the static and capacitive currents of all connected electrical appliances are summed up through the protective conductor, as a result of which a fatal electric shock is possible with healthy electrical appliances. Therefore, before disconnecting the protective conductors, you must remove all plugs from the sockets, completely turn off the electricity.

RCDs primarily protect against electric shock, although the rules interpret RCDs as additional protection, the machine protects the wiring from short circuits, grounding removes static, capacitive currents of electrical appliances and, not completely, reduces the dangerous potential. Therefore, the cost of RCDs does not go to any comparison with human life. A friend of mine died from an electric shock in the bathroom!

Those who do not understand anything at all in an electrician need to find an adapter with a built-in difavtomat that is plugged into an outlet, and the plug of the appliance is included in it, though it has a difavomat for a leakage current of 30 mA and a protective current of 16A. The use of such an adapter in any case greatly increases electrical safety when using any electrical appliance.

Installing sockets, switches, electrical appliances in the bathroom without using a 10 mA amp RCD is deadly!

Look on the topic: What determines the resistance of the human body to the passage of electric current


Do not connect the neutral wire on your own initiative to your ground, that is, do not re-ground the neutral wire at the input and, accordingly, neutral the electrical appliances. The re-grounding of the supply lines should primarily be handled by the power transmission organization. No need to improve the quality of electricity to neighbors at the cost of their own safety! In the event of emergencies on the supply line, a neutral wire break, phase and neutral reversal, overlapping wires on overhead lines, your earthed neutral can become the only neutral of all houses through your ground. In handicraft performance without observing the rules and relevant qualified tests, grounding is unlikely to withstand this and can burn out, at best causing a fire, and if it does, then there is no guarantee that it will provide safe touch voltage on open conductive surfaces. In this connection, it is inevitably fatal and criminally liable for violating the rules of operation of electrical installations, electric shock through electrically connected open conductive surfaces and the risk of fire!

If you do neutral grounding again when powered by overhead lines, it is best to do this at the point of removal from the supply line, and to call an authorized specialist for connection. In the event of a break in the neutral line made by the "professionals", and beyond it, perhaps, the fencing of your artisanal re-grounding will minimize the possibility of a house fire. And consider the quality of execution and the cross-section of the conductors must withstand the load of all consumers connected to the transformer substation for a long time, in case of neutral burn-out on the line. On the pole from which the branch is going and re-earthed the neutral, hang at least 2 plates "Dangerous voltage!" and fenced if possible.

See also at

  • What is the danger of self-grounding in the apartment (alteration TN-C ...
  • Zero line break protection
  • Ground wire - cross-section, marking, color, connection, requirements for charging ...
  • Ground home wiring, ground loop in a private house
  • Grounding device for a country house


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    A RCD in two-wire is prohibited PUE 7 What do you say to that. You generally realize that you are, to put it mildly, misleading ordinary people. Read the PUE and then write your articles in accordance with the rules! No need to invent something, but you must follow the rules that are written in blood!


    # 2 wrote: 5pfsc | [quote]


    “A RCD is prohibited in PUE 7” - please, 23048, please quote from PUE 7 or a link to an article in PUE 7.


    # 3 wrote: andy78 | [quote]


    PUE 7th edition: "It is not allowed to use an RCD reacting to a differential current in four-wire three-phase circuits (TN-C system). If it is necessary to use an RCD to protect individual power consumers receiving power from the TN-C system, the protective PE conductor of the power receiver must be connected to the PEN conductor circuit powering the electrical receiver to the protective switching device. "

    That is, as an exception for the protection of individual power consumers, PUEs allow the use of RCDs in the TN-C system, subject to certain conditions - connecting the open conductive parts of the power consumers to the PEN conductor from the power source with respect to the RCD.


    # 4 wrote: | [quote]


    It is convincingly written at first glance, BUT if it is not a topic of maintenance, it’s just a heap of phrases that have nothing to do with generally accepted safety standards. This is similar to how Voitenko investigates Kursk’s disasters and their homeless people in an old ruin


    # 5 wrote: Ilya | [quote]


    I came across this article because I plan to completely replace the wiring in the apartment and decide whether to stretch the “earthen” to the outlets in the rooms or not. Because I know firsthand about Ampere, Volta, Ohm and Kirchhoff (I’m a Ph.D.), and I also have experience in grounding devices for scientific installations (with voltages in individual circuits up to 10 kV and measured currents in thousandths of a microampere - and it worked!) , then after one glance at the switchboards in the stairwell and basement, it became clear to me that the references of "professional electricians" to the electrical installation code in support of the OBLIGATIONS to "connect THIS grounding" are similar to the explanation of the director of the champagne wine factory that his "champagne" is better than the present ( thu from grapes) GOST regulated because it contains components in the quantities strictly relevant to the STATE, while in the present "floating" in a wide range. So the previous speakers act in the same way - the PUE, and that’s it.

    Only, firstly, the electric current about PUEs, "written in blood", does not know anything. And secondly, the article was written on the assumption (corresponding to the real picture in 80% of cases) that everything in your apartment building, except your beautiful apartment, is arranged according to the PUE5 and “such-and-such a mother” in the best case, more often the matter is limited only "mother", without PUE. Simply put, there is no grounding in principle, the earth contacts of the electric furnaces are twisted in the shield with zeros and screwed to the metal frame of the electrical panel. And what will you do here with the recommendations of the PUE7?

    It is from this situation that the author of the article seeks a way out on the basis of the laws of physics, logic and common sense. So if you are criticizing, refer to the fundamental laws, and not to the PUE, which in this case are nothing more than the wishes of good luck and good health.


    # 6 wrote: not an electrician | [quote]


    Thank you for the article. Very timely, just changed the outlet.

    There is science, there is life.


    # 7 wrote: | [quote]


    Thanks for the applied and practical material of the articles. If you know, tell me from what calculations the 4-Ohm and 0.1-Ohm transitional norms appeared. One has to learn and pass, but from where it is curious.


    # 8 wrote: | [quote]


    Here you write "Do not connect the ground output of sockets, electrical appliances, metal housings of electrical appliances to pipes and third-party conductive objects of the building.", But how to do equalization of potentials, because all the devices, pipes and hoods are connected to the ground. How to be !? Or am I misunderstanding something?


    # 9 wrote: | [quote]


    "If the resistance at the substation and local grounding is 4 Ohms, then the current with a single-phase short circuit to ground through this machine will be I = V / R, 220 volts / (4 Ohms of grounding of the substation + 4 Ohms of local grounding) = 27.5 amperes. . "

    Incorrect short circuit current calculation method! The loop resistance should appear in the formula: phase is zero, along which the operating current flows. Due to incorrect calculation and incorrect requirements for the resistance of the ground loop.

    "If the resistance at the substation and local grounding is 4 Ohms, then the current with a single-phase short circuit to ground through this machine will be I = V / R, 220 volts / (4 Ohms of grounding of the substation + 4 Ohms of local grounding) = 27.5 amperes. . "

    Incorrect short circuit current calculation method! The loop resistance should appear in the formula: phase is zero, along which the operating current flows. Due to incorrect calculation and incorrect requirements for the resistance of the ground loop.


    # 10 wrote: | [quote]


    Absolutely incompetent chaotic opinion of a person who does not represent the essence of the issue. Unfortunately, many more people will be misled due to their indexing by search engines.

    I was especially amused by the comment of the “candidate”, who needed to crawl on the Internet, not on NTD, to understand the essence of the issue.

    One of the few healthy thoughts in the article is "don't know don't meddle." By the way, although it is "voiced", it is not used by the author.


    # 11 wrote: | [quote]


    The PUE describes the grounding of the conductive surfaces of electrical installations, which include elevators, pumping stations, transformer substations, building entrance boards that are serviced by qualified personnel, and not household electrical appliances with single-phase power.

    Why in the above El. is a zeroing system allowed in installations? Many thanks!


    # 12 wrote: Ilya | [quote]


    All criticism of the article comes down to "a bunch in the water." Not a single argument. The first speaker even referred to the PUE - at first he stated that PUE7 prohibit RCDs in TN-C, but then he had to admit that sometimes they still "allow". Another said the clever phrase "incorrect calculation method", as if not understanding that the article was "for a wide circle of readers" and that when applying a more complex, but correct method, the result would not be much better. The rest, in general, confined themselves to the cries of "the fool himself."

    Let respected critics explain to me how I have repeatedly watched on N potential up to 50 volts with respect to metal structures in contact with the ground - heating and water supply devices, etc. And is this potential (obviously having the ability to increase) worth feeding to the housings of electrical appliances.


    # 13 wrote: | [quote]


    Nice article. There are, of course, some inaccuracies, but overall even good.

    The statement was embarrassing: "It is forbidden to ground without RCD or grounding !!!". Here the author probably put it wrong.

    If we talk about security, then for apartments of high-rise buildings with a TN-C connection, the most suitable option is to transfer a separate apartment to the TT scheme. In other words, you need to make a grounding device, which will be "only your grounding device", isolated from the common neutral. An isolated individual ground is much better than nothing in the TN-C circuit. Naturally, in this case you should have a clear idea of ​​your controlled area, that is, nothing but one common phase and one common zero should enter your apartment.

    Attempts to connect your private "land" with a common neutral to transfer a separate apartment to the TN-C-S scheme are fraught with the consequences indicated in the article: in the event of a serious accident, everyone around you will use your grounding device (including, possibly, as a neutral). Only a minimum of the whole house can be switched to the TN-C-S circuit by modernizing the main switchboard of the house and the equipment of a powerful grounding device.

    The option of transferring a separate apartment to the TN-C-S scheme is a failure and potentially dangerous at the very beginning. Moreover, if the grounding device is not equipped, but simply the separation of the PEN conductor is done (including before any RCD). In this case, the entire house neutral is on the housings of your household appliances. God forbid, the neutral main switchgear will burn off, and on the housings of your household appliances there will no longer be a neutral, but a phase (through almost any electrical appliance plugged into an outlet in a high-rise building). Such a circuit should not be classified as TN-C-S. In the TN-C-S circuit, at the point of separation of the PEN conductor, a local grounding device is necessarily connected, so if the neutral disappears, at least the ground will remain as protection.

    Of course, in most cases the transition to the TT scheme will be illegal and it is not necessary to advertise it, but from the point of view of security this will be the best option.The only question is whether you can independently make a grounding device and secretly connect to it.

    Article PUE-7: "It is not allowed to use an RCD reacting to a differential current in four-wire three-phase circuits (TN-C system). If it is necessary to use an RCD to protect individual power consumers receiving power from the TN-C system, the protective PE conductor of the power receiver must be connected to the PEN conductor of the circuit supplying the power receiver to the protective switching device. "

    By the way, those who hysterically refer to the article in PUE-7 contradict themselves: inside the apartment we are talking about a two-wire single-phase circuit, and not about a four-wire three-phase. If we approach the issue so globally, it turns out that almost all three-phase circuits and RCDs cannot be put anywhere. Also, if this article is misinterpreted, it turns out that the PUE-7 pushes us to a potential electric shock through zero ground. Most likely, this statement in PUE-7 is addressed to professionals working with industrial three-phase installations, where there are appropriate conditions, and not home-grown electricians.


    # 14 wrote: | [quote]


    In general, for single-phase TN-C systems in apartments of old high-rise buildings, it is only possible to recommend installationelectromechanical RCD (installation of electronic RCDs cannot be recommended). Of course, it is advisable to opt for an RCD of type A.
    In addition, it is possible to recommend the installation of an RCD by a cascade: an introductory electromechanical RCD with a differential current of 30 mA and group electromechanical RCDs with a differential current of 10 mA. Selectivity is provided by the magnitude of the differential current.
    Such a scheme can even be recommended if there are no groups as such: that is, as is usually the case in old high-rise buildings, a single two-wire cable feeds the entire apartment. In this case, one electromechanical RCD must be supplied in series with another.

    After all, why are they afraid to put RCDs in TN-C systems: there is a problem of reliable switching of the neutral conductor due to poor-quality or faulty RCDs. PUE against switching devices installed in the gap of the PEN conductor. Here, as they say, "the wedge kicks out the wedge," so you need to install two switching devices: if there are problems with one RCD, the other will protect you.Why is it necessary to install an electromechanical RCD? - Because only they react to the nulling of the neutral conductor.
    Of course, the presence of two RCDs increases the likelihood of failure of one of them, but, again, the second RCD will protect you in the event of a malfunction.
    Imagine if a zero break occurs in the house or a zero contact of one of the RCDs sticks (zero is broken, the phase is switched) - another RCD will work in case of phase leakage.
    Even the seemingly absurd sequential installation of two identical RCDs (without troubles with selectivity unnecessary in this case) in general solves the safety problem in two-wire systems without grounding (TN-C).

    By the way, if we talk about the cost of such a solution, then it may not be expensive.
    For example, in the product range of the companyEkf there are electromechanical differential machines of type A with a differential current of 30 mA, there are electromechanical RCDs of type AC with a differential current of 10 mA.
    Also in the product range of the companyIEK there are electromechanical RCDs of type A with a differential current of 10 mA, in addition, there are electromechanical RCDs of type A with different values ​​of differential currents.


    # 15 wrote: | [quote]


    IEK - sucks.


    # 16 wrote: | [quote]


    Hello. I have a question such as whether the RCD will turn off (a false positive) if it is connected to the power supply wire and sockets with consumers and room lighting. Ie sockets and lighting will be in the same group and not in different ??


    # 17 wrote: | [quote]


    Dear author writes: “Do not connect the ground terminals of outlets and electrical appliances protected only by circuit breakers that protect only wiring from short circuits in the phase-neutral and phase-phase circuits, to natural, artificial and especially improvised grounding. You expose yourself and others to deadly Hazards.Automatic devices operate only from currents many times higher than the nominal value of a machine.Natural, artificial and especially home-made grounding in the vast majority of cases has a resistance that cannot zdat such currents and therefore produce automatic safety shutdown during the standardized security 0.4 seconds.

    For example, if the neutral grounding at the substation, according to the rules, is 4 Ohms, taking into account repeated grounding and your grounding is also 4 Ohms and a breakdown occurs in one of the electrical appliances, then on all the grounded housings of electrical appliances connected to the ground, through protective grounding conductors, a dangerous potential will appear 110 volts. If the resistance of your grounding is more than 4 Ohms, the dangerous voltage on the cases of electrical appliances will be even greater. "
    Please explain to me how is all of the above dangerous? Kills not with voltage, but with electric current. Well, let it be 110 volts on a grounded case. Well, I touch both the housing and the central heating battery. The resistance of the human body can not be compared with 4 ohms of grounding. Accordingly, almost all of the current will take on the ground.


    # 18 wrote: Victor | [quote]


    1.7.132 The combination of the functions of the zero protective and zero working conductors in single-phase and direct current circuits is not allowed. As a neutral protective conductor, a separate third conductor should be provided in such circuits. This requirement does not apply to branches from overhead lines of voltage up to 1 kV to single-phase consumers of electricity. 1.7.133. The use of third-party conductive parts as the only PEN conductor N is not allowed.

    The residual current device is used for automatic shutdown in the TN-C-S system, the PEN conductor must not be used on the load side. The protective conductor must be connected to the PEN conductor on the side of the power supply with respect to the protection device that responds to the differential current.
    The TN-C system must not use residual current protective devices.
    When RCDs are used to automatically turn off the circuit outside the range of the main potential equalization system, the open conductive parts should not be connected to the TN system network, but the protective conductors should be connected
    to an earthing switch having a resistance, ensuring the operation of this device. A circuit protected in this way can be considered a CT system.

    1.7.132 The combination of the functions of the zero protective and zero working conductors in single-phase and direct current circuits is not allowed. As a neutral protective conductor, a separate third conductor should be provided in such circuits. This requirement does not apply to branches from overhead lines of voltage up to 1 kV to single-phase consumers of electricity. 1.7.133. The use of third-party conductive parts as the only PEN conductor is not allowed.
    The residual current device is used for automatic shutdown in the TN-C-S system, the PEN conductor must not be used on the load side. The protective conductor must be connected to the PEN conductor on the side of the power supply with respect to the protection device that responds to the differential current.
    The TN-C system must not use residual current protective devices.
    When RCDs are used to automatically turn off the circuit outside the range of the main potential equalization system, the open conductive parts should not be connected to the TN system network, but the protective conductors should be connected to the ground electrode, which has a resistance that ensures the operation of this device. A circuit protected in this way can be considered a CT system.


    # 19 wrote: | [quote]


    Hello ! I have been doing RCD for a long time. Since 1999. I had to install RCDs a lot and I had to look for places of current leakage to the ground to make RCDs work stably. I already have a device for this for a long time, ASTRO-Delta is called. I had a device for measuring and testing UZO. It was called ASTRO-PROFI. All my work was not in vain. The man alone thanked me for the fact that once he saved the life and health of the UZO set by me!

    For a long time I have been waging verbal battles with some people who are against RCDs with grounding and without it. In particular, today I wrote a comment on the forum of the Electro AS site, where they discussed the topic of installing an RCD in two wiring. I wrote a lot to them earlier, but they did not publish any of my comments. Here is such a democracy! Only once published, but at the same time intentionally, terribly distorted the whole meaning. I am giving you for trial my last appeal to Electro Asovtsy. Let's see later, will it be published or not?

    Yes, I wanted to spit on you and the PUE! Since you are pests in the place with the authors of the PUE !! I personally twice RCD released from the wire and the shield body were energized !!

    One of my friends put the RCD in a two-wire. A well under water was clogged in his cramped basement and stood on it an electric pump connected to the well with a rubber hose (0.5 meters). In his house there was a switch on the pump, breaking the phase on the pump. So two years have passed. Electricians of the electric networks replaced the OHL supports on his street and mixed up the phase with zero at the input !! ...... That is, on that pump, the zero began to turn off through the switch, and the phase turned out to go continuously to the electric pump !!! And then he somehow climbed into the basement to service or check this pump. He means he prudently set the switch to “off” and being sure that he would not be shocked (he had done the same before), he began to adjust the pump there, holding both the support and the wet metal pipe of the well. Well, he climbed his hand on the bare terminal block of that pump. As a result, I got an electric shock and electricity immediately disconnected the RCD !!! He crawled out of the basement in complete darkness, but he was alive and well !!

    If it were not for the RCD, then he would not be able to let go of the pump and the pipe and help him there was someone !!! A MAN WOULD DIE, SAME AS I COULD KILL IN TWO CASES !!! RCD saves life without grounding, but it goes without saying that with grounding it all works more efficiently. This is understandable to a fool!

    In connection with all of this, on the authors of the PUE and on you, supporting their wrecking idea - the blood of dead people who could save an UZO !!!

    Before writing a ban on the installation of RCDs in two and four postings, in such an important document as an EMP, it was necessary to experiment! Or is all this a lie intentionally written?


    # 20 wrote: | [quote]


    Militant ignorance mixed with instructive pessimism conjures up thoughts about the times of the Inquisition ... no enlightenment, but it reminds obsessive warnings to naughty kids not to experiment with the evil Babai, watch and watch “Good night, kids” and go to bed on the sidelines. However, this lengthy and confusing composition, not devoid of shades of common sense, makes you turn on your own brain, and here I thank the author.

    How to understand this (slightly edited the author’s thought, I hope, did not distort):
    If the resistance at the substation and local grounding is 4 Ohms each, then the current with a single-phase short circuit to ground through this machine will be I = V / R, = 220 volts / (4 Ohm grounding substation + 4 Ohm local ground) = 27.5 amperes , - this is without taking into account the resistance of the line itself. If all this is taken into account, then the current will turn out even less.
    Why author stacks different ohms in series, and not in parallel? Why doesn’t it take into account that the main part of the current rushes towards the most “unloaded” and shortest paths?
    I will join the opinion of one of the previous commentators:

    Incorrect short circuit current calculation method! The loop resistance should appear in the formula: phase is zero, along which the operating current flows. Due to incorrect calculation and incorrect requirements for ground loop resistance!

    "To achieve grounding resistance even of 4 Ohms with three pins, especially driven in the form of a triangle, is very problematic."

    Ingenious! Then, instead of three, we drive in six pins and how many Ohms do we get?

    “What have you done, son! For so many years I have milked our dear client, and this allowed us to stand up, raise you, feed you, dress and shoe you, arrange you in a prestigious institute and give you such a golden profession! And you took it, and in one day destroyed everything, all my efforts - down the drain! ” (a joke about the lawyer-father and his indiscriminate son, the bachelor of the bar)