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How to convert a gas generator to gas


In this article, I will tell and even show clearly, in pictures, how to transfer the generator to gas. The advantages of gas generators over gasoline generators were previously considered here:Gas or gas generator? Pros and cons ...

Can I make a gas reducer myself?

In many forums, on the Internet, on youtube you will find a bunch of recommendations on how to convert a gasoline generator to gas. Someone recommends using home-made gearboxes, which I categorically do not recommend doing, there are also ready-made gas kits that allow you to remake the “native” carburetor just for working on gas, while others drill something in the carburetor ...

All this, let’s say, is not the best and safest way to convert a gas generator to gas. Why reinvent the wheel and seek adventure at its fifth point, when everything has already been invented and tested on hundreds of generators. I recommend to purchase such a gas module.

How to convert a gas generator to gas

How much is a gas kit?

The issue price is only $ 50-60. Agree, the money is relatively small. For the money you will get a new carburetor similar to your old carburetor, but already adapted for working on gas. This money will pay off quickly enough, given the high cost of gasoline. If you connect to the main gas, then you will forget about the problem with the fuel, and besides, an hour of operation of the generator on natural gas will cost you 5-7 times cheaper than an hour of work on gasoline. The benefit is obvious.

Aliexpress carburetor

Is it possible to remake the generator to gas yourself?

Installers-installers charge about $ 40-50 for the re-equipment and tuning of the generator for gas. But why would anyone pay money when everything can be done with their own hands? Everything is quite simple if you have the necessary tools and an hour of free time. So, everything in order.

We purchase a gas module that matches the model of your generator. I recommend choosing just such a gas kit as in the photo above, for several reasons:

1) Ease of installation, even a person who has never dealt with generators before will cope. The generator does not require absolutely any alteration, that is, you do not need to drill holes, change jets, hammer, cook, break, etc.

2) The gas module is universal. A generator equipped with such a module can operate on natural (main) and liquefied gas. The efficiency of the gasoline-driven generator is also fully preserved, that is, we get a virtually “omnivorous” three-fuel generator !!!

How to convert the generator to gas? Instructions in pictures)))

1) First, remove the air filter. Behind it is a carburetor, which is attached to the engine head with two bolts.

How to remake a gas generator

2) Turn off, remove the carburetor.

Turn off, remove the carburetor

3) Turn off the rubber hose, remove the tie rods. When removing the carburetor, we carefully handle the gaskets, there are 2 of them — one after the filter, the second between the carburetor and the engine head. If there is a violation of the integrity of the gasket, air will leak during engine operation, as a result of which unstable operation of the generator will be observed.

We disconnect the rubber hose, remove the adjustment rods
Remove the carburetor

4) Instead of the removed carburetor, we install a new, modified carburetor with a gas reducer. We do the entire installation procedure in reverse order. I.e:

5) Install the carburetor in place, pay special attention to the gaskets.

Put the carburetor in place
Put the carburetor in place

6) Connect the control rod, connect the rubber hose, replace the air filter. We check - have everything been put in place, are there any extra parts left?

Connect the control rod, connect the rubber hose, replace the air filter

7) After that, connect the gas hose from the main gas or from the cylinder.

After that, we connect the gas hose from the main gas or from the cylinder

8) Before starting the generator, press the enrichment button.

Before starting the generator, press the enrichment button

9) We start the engine of the generator and carry out the tuning.In order for the generator to work correctly on gas, it is necessary to turn on a load close to the nominal value of the generator, slowly tighten the enrichment mixture bolt on the gearbox until the malfunction of the generator engine begins. After that, unscrew the bolt three quarters of a revolution in the opposite direction. Initial setup of the generator is completed.

We start the engine of the generator and carry out tuning

10) We turn off the engine of the generator, let the generator cool down a bit and start it again.

11) We check the correct operation of the engine. We turn on 75% - 80% of the nominal load and see how the engine works.

12) To transfer the generator to gas, we turn off the gas supply, open the gas tap and use the generator as usual.

Sergey Seromashenko

This article is well complemented by: How to connect the generator yourself, How to automate the process of switching on and offHow to do the exhaust gas generator yourself

See also at

  • Gas or gas generator? Pros and cons ...
  • How to do the exhaust gas generator yourself
  • How to connect the generator yourself
  • Generator Maintenance - 5 Easy Steps
  • What to consider when choosing a generator


    # 1 wrote: Vadim | [quote]


    I agree with the author 100%! Inventing and engaging in “masochism” with the rework of the gearbox and carburetor is not worth it. After all, at the slightest mistake, you can put mortal danger and not only yourself, but everything around you.

    But for the excellent instructions, and even with excellent photos - special thanks! Now it’s not difficult for me to remake my gas generator.


    # 2 wrote: Dmitriy | [quote]


    This is all wonderful and well written. But what if there is no finished carburetor for the desired engine model. All kits sold are designed for a range of 1 - 3 and 4.5 - 7 kW. I have a GX270 188F engine for a 4 kW generator. and not one of the sets is suitable. Kits for lower power are not suitable for landing dimensions, and higher power do not work stably, both on gas and gasoline. And I don’t want to run to the generator when the load changes, and it stalls constantly. Air damper cover and adjustments do not help. I had to put the old carburetor in place and start searching for a solution on the Internet.


    # 3 wrote: East | [quote]


    Everything is just outrageous there! Look at the gas generation equipment of the 2nd generation ...