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Power supply of a country house


Power supply of a country housePower supply of country houses has a number of distinctive features. The main one is the need to connect to the overhead line (OHL). The burden of arranging this connection is usually the responsibility of the owner of the house, and the boundary between the energy sales organization and the homeowner is connection point to overhead lines.

Branch device

When the branch device is installed, additional installation of one or several supports may be necessary if the distance from the entry point into the house to the overhead line is more than 25 meters. The input itself should be located at a height of at least 2.75 meters, and the wall passage should be made in accordance with fire safety requirements.

We are talking about the presence in the wall of a mortgage tube made of non-combustible material, as well as the correspondence of the cross section of the lead-in to the maximum permissible load, taking into account the stock. As an input conductor, it is best to use SIP, although the use of VVG or even bare wires is not excluded.

To connect to the OHL line, only certified clamps. If we talk about SIP, then this is, first of all, piercing clamps with tightening bolts having stall heads.

Such clamps are convenient in that their installation is often possible even when energized, if the overhead line itself is made of SIP (in more detail about the air input device using modern and gaining popularity SIP read here - How to make entry into the house using SIP).

Another common branch clamp is the one known to many. nut clamp. For its installation, the conductors must be stripped to pure metal and always disconnected from the voltage.

Power limitation

The rate of electricity consumption for private home ownership varies depending on the region, but on average is 10-15 kW. In addition, this norm may depend on the number of phases in the home network and on any additional conditions.

In order to exclude increased electricity consumption, energy retail companies are increasingly installing individual power limitersdisconnecting the consumer when the electric current reaches a certain limit value.

Unlike ordinary circuit breaker consists in the absence of the need for manual activation after operation, as well as the fact that power limiter installed out of reach of the subscriber, for example, on a support.


Of particular importance when installing the power supply of a country house is re-grounding at the input. It is recommended to connect the main grounding bus located in the input shield to a grounding conductor, the resistance of which should not exceed 30 Ohms. Moreover, the ground electrode can be natural, that is, it can be metal structural elements of a building or utilities (pipes laid directly in the ground).

These elements are anyway included in potential equalization system. But if they are used as a re-grounding device, their service life can be significantly reduced due to the likelihood of a large electric current passing through them.

Therefore, it’s best to arrange separate grounding device. Structurally, it can be (although other options are possible) three steel bars with a diameter of at least 16 mm, located vertically at a depth of 0.5 meters from the surface of the earth and connected by a steel strip of 4 * 40 mm.

The bars should be placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle with a side of 3 meters.To connect such an earthing switch to the GZSH, you can use the same 4 * 40 mm strip and a wire having a cross section not less than phase. All connections in the re-earthing switch are made only either by welding or by bolts.

For the rest power supply of a country house It does not have fundamental differences from the power supply of an ordinary apartment, with the exception of a higher power consumption.

It is only necessary once again to recall that in order to connect your suburban residence to the OHL network, you must first arm yourself technical conditions at a local energy sales company. In the future, this will help to avoid unnecessary problems, because it is easier to act on strict instructions, knowing which side you can wait for the catch.

Look on the topic:

What is better for a country house - single-phase or three-phase input? - What are the advantages of a three-phase network? And is it worth it to definitely give her preference?

We recommend reading: How to make wiring in the garage

See also at

  • Grounding device for a country house
  • Electric installation work when connected to the electricity supply of a country house
  • How to enter electricity into a private house
  • What is better for a private house - single-phase or three-phase input?
  • Street billboard on the site


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    Civil Code of the Russian Federation 543

    2. In the case when a citizen using energy for domestic consumption acts as a subscriber, the obligation to ensure the proper technical condition and safety of energy networks, as well as energy metering devices, is assigned to the energy supply organization, unless otherwise provided by law or other legal acts.

    Civil Code of the Russian Federation 543

    2. In the case when a citizen using energy for domestic consumption acts as a subscriber, the obligation to ensure the proper technical condition and safety of energy networks, as well as energy metering devices, is assigned to the energy supply organization, unless otherwise provided by law or other legal acts.