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How to automatically control staircase lighting


How to automatically control staircase lightingMany owners of houses with stairs are interested in the question staircase lighting, because this is a passage zone with a large elevation difference and the issue of safety of movement along it is in the first place.

The safety of the stairs is mainly affected by the correct design and calculation during the construction of the stairs, but lighting also plays a very important role.

In the dark on the stairs it is so easy to stumble or stumble. But often there is a choice whether to go in the dark or the stairs will be lit constantly, since it will not work to turn off the light after passing through the stairs - the switch is located either above or below. Why pay for irrational staircase lighting?

The economical owner will always find a way out, including in automatic staircase lighting. In this case, simple devices will come to the rescue. home automation.

The easiest solution is to install a pair breakersthat will control the supply of electricity to one "consumer" - your light source. In the case of a ladder, one switch is placed at the bottom, and the second at the top. A similar scheme is well suited for long corridors - one switch on one side and the other on the other.

For more information on how to organize staircase lighting using walk-through switches, see here: Feedthrough switch. Wiring diagram. In addition, to control the lighting of the stairs, you can use impulse relays. In the article Lighting Control Schemes The connection diagrams of luminaires using one and two-button walk-through switches, as well as bistable (pulse) relays are shown.

The second solution to the problem of lighting the stairs is to connect time relay.

The timer is a small electronic device that allows you to automate the process of turning off electrical appliances and fixtures.

In the case of using a time relay using conventional light switcheslocated in convenient places, the light turns on, and then after the value set on the time relay expires, the light will automatically turn off. The time frames on most even the most simple time relays are set in the range from 30 seconds to 10 minutes.

Using a time relay for automatic staircase lighting control allows you to use a simpler wiring diagram and control devices, as well as a guaranteed shutdown of light sources, which will allow you to save energy in your home.

Read also on this topic:Which is better to use: loop-through switches or bistable relays

See also at

  • Which is better to use: loop-through switches or bistable relays
  • Feedthrough switch. Wiring diagram
  • Lighting control in the house
  • Lighting control from two, three or more places
  • Pulse relays for lighting control and their use


    # 1 wrote: | [quote]


    There are two options for solving the task of automating staircase lighting control:
    1. Install two universal (pass-through) switches that control one consumer, for example, a lamp on a flight of stairs. One is placed at the beginning of the stairs, the second - at the end. If the house has three or more floors, there is a need to actuate the staircase lighting from several places. In this connection, in addition to universal, cruciform switches are also installed at intermediate control points.
    2. Use a time relay to illuminate the stairs. Such a relay allows you to automate the process of turning off the lighting.That is, with the help of single-cycle switches located in the necessary places, the light is turned on, and after the time period set on the relay (from 30 seconds to 10 minutes) it goes out. This scheme provides for a simpler wiring and guaranteed blackout, which, in turn, provides energy savings.


    # 2 wrote: | [quote]


    Is there really no human presence pattern? Not on the move, but that would not turn off even if a person sleeps like a dead man? !!! I DO NOT BELIEVE!